First woman to buy a seat on the NYSE
Aged 80 years died Muriel "Mickie" Siebert - the first woman, member of the NYSE. 1968. Mickey has always been the most recognizable figure on WS Muriel "Mickie" Siebert became the first woman, taking place on the NYSE. She was the founder and owner of a brokerage firm, bearing her name - Muriel Siebert & Co. Inc. Jane Macon, director Siebert Financial, talking about her death, called her "a fairytale woman, pioneer and pioneer in the men's business world ", which raised the bar for everyone, entering the financial world after her. Nevertheless, she's opening the door, always kept it for people, following her ". She bought a spot on the NYSE in December 1967 after months of struggling with business resistance with a purely masculine dominance. Meriel Seabert (Muriel Siebert) - first female broker on the New York Stock Exchange - died 24 August aged 80 years. Writes about this The New York Times with reference to the member of the Board of Directors of Siebert Financial Corporation Jane Macon (Jane H. Macon).