SPX and the Ukrainian market
Yes, it's clear, SPX meets 1400. so for a minute, who was expecting this at the beginning of October? we were in the absolute minority and thought about 1260 first, and
Yes, it's clear, SPX meets 1400. so for a minute, who was expecting this at the beginning of October? we were in the absolute minority and thought about 1260 first, and
The method of cascading asset collapse has not changed for decades, but it becomes more and more dramatic every year. We meet, it's gold…
Main, don't get hung up on your righteousness, be flexible and accept new circumstances in time. Looks like the beginning of a bear market.
VIX Chart Approaching Crash Level 2000-2002 yy
VIX above will not be missed!
Rob Roy before, how to start trading the markets full time, was the head of an independent financial consulting firm, which he founded in 1992 G. Rob trades options with 1996 of the year. He views options as an opportunity to make a profit on the market, regardless of direction.. Rob also conducts seminars on trading in financial markets at the company “Optionetics“.
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VIX fear index – shows the state of the market, his direction and mood. The regularity of the indicator is as follows, what when the market falls, volatility index is growing, and when the market grows, volatility index is decreasing. VIX Index – ticker symbol for the Chicago Option Exchange Volatility Index, popular measure of implied instability S&P 500 index options. High value corresponds to a more volatile market and therefore more expensive options, which can be used, to pay the risk of volatility. If investors see high risks of price changes, they will demand, for a large premium to insure against such a change, selling variants. Often called the Fear Index, this represents one measure of market expectations for volatility over the next 30 day period.