News trading
Trading on the news is difficult to attribute to any type of trading.. This is not a technical trading method. – most indicators simply “break” at the time of price surges, with which news releases abound (from English. ease” – release), various candlestick patterns and patterns also do not shine with accuracy, because. depending on the bank's decision, or the report of the state. quotation services may fly away to 50-100, and in some cases more, points, in a few seconds! Maybe, everyone who wants to make money on Forex at least once asked himself: “The couple walked in a minute more, than the previous week. There must be some way to make money from this?!”. We hasten to please you – there are several ways! Truth, not all of them are simple, absolutely everything needs attention (one wrong mouse movement, and you will become the owner of a bonus of two or three hundred gray hair) and the most important thing – on the news, most of all, an ordinary trader has to compete not only with other traders, but also with investment banks, hedge funds and other financial institutions, whose capabilities, to put it mildly, exceed the possibilities 99% Traders!