

Trading stocks inplay weekly
you face a simple problem: inplay promotions are often simply absent in
Monday. Not a surprise…


yesterday, once again in the reporting season, the share of the day was not at all earning stock. the news was about the absorption of HS by CI corporation.. the range narrowed and…

month august

so yesterday the last day of summer thundered, which deep in the soul evokes pleasant feelings… pokhuizm)) I closed my motorcycle season for another month

Discipline – how not to enter the limit

I have already described the system of double limits for the day, she very hard teaches not to go beyond the second limit and stop on time. This is a very good technique at first., but when you have been trading for a long time and follow all the rules, skipping a day during the reporting season is not very beneficial for your wallet. Therefore, I came up with an alternative : You also have a day 2 limit First conditional, if you enter for it, then you no longer trade today. If you enter for the second, then the next day you reduce your average position and the daily limit DOUBLE, and so every day if you go beyond it. If a day with a reduced limit closed in a normal plus, you return it to the original one again It seems that everything is simple, can you have some additions ???

Tomorrow Earnings Program

Our trader wrote a good program to select stocks in Earnings. Saves a list of counting companies by day of the week to import into Blackwood Pro. Convenient in the season of reports. The program takes data from the page and saves it in .stk files. They can then be used from Blackwood (in Stock Sorter right-click -> Load from file)

Open season, or imitation mr_makler

Opened the ski season today. First pancake, as sometimes happens after a break, lumpy – well cheburahnulsya, then the body remembered. Rolled like a top, Without stops. At all, I'm not an extreme, and skis, For me, rather pleasure, than adrenaline.

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Questions for the second seminar

Next week it is planned to hold a second seminar in conjunction with another 1 trader NYSE, internship around 5 years, a former trader at the firm I work for. Его интересно послушать даже трейдерам с опытом. He has his own trading strategy, which is different from mine. Write the topics that interest you, what would you like to hear. Maybe someone is interested in trading during the reporting season or some other techniques. The more people there will be, the more we want to tell you interesting information and answer questions. Recording of the first seminar : /pervyj-seminar-good_trade/

Oil notes

Some of the features of oil in the present period.
Usually the period September-October is considered weak, drop in gasoline use, and the heating season has not started yet, and NPZ start seasonal maintenance work. The production capacity is decreasing, and accordingly the demand from refineries for refining is also falling..
Usually 3 a barrel of oil goes into production 2 barrels of gasoline and 1 barrel of heating oil. This is the so-called crack spread ( long oil= shot gasoline+ short heating oil)  and this spread is now below average, resulting in lower oil demand.
Distillate stocks( heating oil and diesel fuel) are at the record level since 1983.
Oil contango is not so deep, to encourage tanker owners to buy oil and store in tankers.
For example, contango between 1 And 6 months of order $6 , and the cost of storage in tankers( including insurance and so on) 1.50  per month, on land somewhere around 70 центов.
All these are negative factors for WTI.
The explosion at the Mexican refinery kept oil higher 70, but for how long?!!!

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