Trading ideas on 18 Martha

Symbol SELL BUY AFL 0 55 GD 0 75 ALONG 52.5 54.2 MLM 88 0 PNC 0 60.2 RYN 0 46.05 UFS 0 70 VMC 49 50.5

Signals on 6 august

Something the number of shares starts to decrease dramatically, some dirty moves are now in stocks with good potential, but you have to not take them due to inadequacy. *Pancake, it turns out my signals have not been published for today :cry: Down Up ACE 0 51 AME 30.9 31.5 AMX 0.01 46

Signals on 5 august

Down Up BEN 90 93 R 33 38 ACE 50 51 BEFORE 42 42.51 MHK 50 53 AME 31.5 33

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