Yesterday I listened to Bodo Schaefer's audio seminar again “The art of managing your time”. This time I made a lot of notes and conclusions for myself.. Interesting statistics are provided, how many years of his life a person spends on any action. For example, smokes, or watching TV. I watch TV very rarely, I do not smoke, but this was more than offset by reading useless garbage on the Internet, chewing a hundred times in the comments of one topic, and so on. Instead of smoking, the pauses were filled with tea and coffee, That, I decided to replace with more useful things. Actually, according to Schaefer, cases can be divided into 4 large spheres: BUT) Urgent and important, what has to do with taking fast, responsible decisions, for example in business, B) Unhurried, but important (actually, this is the sphere, dedicated to creativity, our purpose in life, in my opinion, this is the main area), C) Unimportant, but hasty action (then, what is being done in the current order – for example, utilities payments, taxes, machine repair, etc.) D) Time eaters (don't need to list). A task, define for yourself – in what area(Schaefer squared) have you been in the last week, outline things, which you really want to do, plan a typical daily routine for the year, 10-15 years (how would you like to see him). List of values in life, tasks for six months to a year, with the possibility of further development. Spheres – health, finance, relationship, emotions (in Kovalev it is even more developed.). Principle: I want it done. What I don't like so much, to delegate to do it to others (given that, that another will like it). To be -> make -> have.