Researching nootropics or speeding up the brain
As a Habr subscriber, I really like to read articles in the GTD hub and about how people try to cope with the difficulties of organizing life and optimizing life processes that arise in their lives.. Someone even writes about successful tricks., invented by them or gleaned from various sources. In the majority, I think, similar articles are written on the wave of delight from the results obtained from the new method, but over time, the wave subsides and you have to look for new options. myself, just like many other people, subject to similar wave processes. But in my life I noticed one phenomenon in the human body, expressed in the fact, that most of the negative effects of life, be it procrastination, apathy, depression, etc., occur against the background of disturbances within the brain processes. Such disorders can be triggered by various reasons - from physical head injury to concussion (as in my case) before the negative impact of the environment. All these violations can occur in a mild form and a person, thinking, that he is healthy and he just does not have enough time to sleep, continues to be in such a disastrous state without knowing it. Смею предположить, that this condition is typical for most people. А в результате, due to hypoxic (oxygen deficiency) the state of the brain, a person continues to live in it, не задумываясь о существовании лучшей …