
How to Improve Your Mental Abilities?

  The human brain is an amazing organ. It is the most accessible and at the same time the most complex "device" in the Universe.. Argued, as if we use the capabilities of the brain on everything 5-10%. Neuroscientists have different attitudes to this statement.: someone agrees, and someone is categorically against. But both are unanimous in that, that mental abilities can and should be trained. We offer you several techniques, which will help to "pump" the brain.

"Zen trading" turnkey for everyone!!!

Hello, friends! They write to me, what is the price for learning to trade, which I put in this post is too high. And although there are willing, for 99% novice traders it is too heavy. I'll be honest — i count on, that a person will come to me to learn Zen trading, which is already materially packed. This is right. This is justified. But the reality is, […]

PAMM training. We study, what is the rating of PAMM accounts

PAMM investment training Many people ask a question: «How to learn to invest?». Actually, all, what is needed for this — is to find quality materials and study them. Then apply the knowledge gained in practice. Investment — it's pretty simple, here you need knowledge in mathematics of the first five primary grades, that is, addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. Plus be able to count percentages. No knowledge of differential equations required. Every Investor Has A Chance To Get That Wealth, dreamed about for so long. But not everything is so simple, otherwise every second person would be an investor. It's easy to entrust your funds to professional brokers, but there are also enough scammers among them. All in all, you simply cannot do without initial knowledge and training, otherwise you can seriously suffer. Therefore, it is recommended that all novice investors, without exception, undergo PAMM training.. Every investor must have great desire and determination, to complete investment training. It so happened, that citizens of the former USSR countries are very afraid of risk, therefore many at the word «investment» just shy away and wave their hands. Certainly, none as a novice investor, and professional, not immune from mistakes. That's why, лучше всего начинать с вложения небольших сумм. Люди обычно приходят в инвестирование через книги тех или иных «financial gurus». These books never give specific advice., …

PAMM training. We study, what is the rating of PAMM accounts Read more

hurry up! It's time to make money!

What to say… There are many dreamers among traders. I'm like that myself. Always thinking about, what will be better tomorrow, than today. Belief in it lets you hold out a little longer, a little bit more… And it slightly translates into months and years of treading water, becomes a habit. Enough to dream! We came to forex, in internet trading in order, […]

5 years in the us stock market (NYSE). Part 1

Today exactly 5 years since I made my first trade in the US Stock Market (NYSE) . It was in 2008 year 8th January. Traded on the first day 600 shares and -20 bucks. Unfortunately, all transactions with 11 January and what then traded is not known, but it doesn't matter anymore :) A little bit about yourself : Now I am almost 25 years. Studied as a programmer in college, left the last year of Economics. I am a managing partner of GT Capital Group. More 7 I have been trading for years. Nick: Good_trade I blog Day Trading on NYSE Plans for 2013 year: Invest in Education Invest in a trading robot in Russia Create a robot in the USA Establish a hedge fund at the end of the year Reach a new level in trading How it all began :

Learning to trade with Bano Tiem (Sobano)

On the eve of the New Year holidays, gives clients an exclusive opportunity to receive preferential training from an experienced, authoritative and successful American trader Bano Tiem (Bano Tiem), known in the professional environment under the nickname Sobano. Only until the end of December, traders can get a monthly trial subscription to the resource at a special price $199 Total $100. In the future, the cost of an annual subscription to the resource for the participants of the action will be $499 instead of the standard fee $599. Teaching


http://MY-TRADE.PRO When I got out of the underground – surprised that everyone is fucked by my site… when it will be, what is with him and so on. Who wouldn’t meet – everyone is interested)D

How much will i earn ???

This is probably the most frequent question., which is written to me by those wishing to enroll in the course. I cannot give any clear answer. It's going to be 100 Dollars , 100 000$ or nothing at all. Only time will tell, how you tried and wanted to be successful. No amount of training will give you 100% guarantees, that you will trade in a plus. Just like playing sports or studying to be a lawyer, do not guarantee you a good salary or outstanding success in this area. Work, but do not create the appearance of work and then everything will work out. The main thing is to believe in yourself and not give up..  

Point transactions

Traded very little in September, compared to previous months in terms of the number of transactions. Now in the day I do 1-4 deals before 5-20 in a day. Was able to improve the rate of profitable trades to 50-70%, before 30-45% . Negative days are reduced to 1 per week. Although there are disadvantages, profitable deals now 30-60 Cents, before 50-100 Cents. It is necessary to increase the profit by cents and the number of transactions, withholding % profitable deals. P.S. Everything goes according to plan. Training is still on the way, not much time left, hurry up.    

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