Russian programmers launched StocksNeural online service in the USA, which predicts the change in stock prices, using neural networks and machine learning. How accurate are the predictions?Russian programmers Dmitry Lukovkin and Petr Permyakov offered a ready-made solution for traders, who do not want to get involved with technical indicators and financial performance of companies, - StocksNeural online service. He, according to the description, predicts the movement of prices for stock market instruments and issues recommendations on their purchase or sale, using deep machine learning (Deep Learning) and artificial neural networks. Maximum term, for which StocksNeural provides a forecast, is five days. Wherein, as Dmitry Lukovkin says, theoretically, this algorithm is able to predict the change in the stock price for up to a month. According to him, forecast accuracy reaches 97% depending on the tool. This, however, does not mean, that the algorithm is not capable of making mistakes: for some securities, the number of "hits" is in the range of 30-40%.