
What will happen, if you have two IIS at once?

In accordance with the National Law "On the Securities Market" No. 39-FZ, an individual has the right to have only one contract for maintaining IIS. If a new contract for the maintenance of IMS is concluded, the previously concluded contract must be terminated within a month.

What is a revised declaration like and why is it needed

What circumstances may be a prerequisite for filing an updated tax return? Such circumstances may be: without the help of others detected error. For instance, you found out, that you have mistakenly indicated the date or currency of the transaction, which has been committed in the overseas market.

What will happen, if you have two IIS at the same time?

According to the Federal Law "On the Securities Market" No. 39-FZ, an individual has the right to have only one IIS maintenance agreement. In the event of a new agreement on the maintenance of IMS, the previously concluded agreement must be terminated within a month.

New "physical education" deduction: to whom and how much taxes can be returned

IN 2022 year there will be a new social deduction, which will allow to compensate for part of the cost of sports and recreation services. You can get it starting from 2023 of the year. The deduction can be issued not only for yourself, but also for the children, including those adopted, under the age of 18 years.

Benefit from losses in an investment account

Hello! Today is a post about tax cuts due to account loss. I will be glad to every like! Losses in the account Losses in the account In different years, there are different results on investments. Sometimes the market goes up, and sometimes falls.

Money from the state in 2021 year

Hello everybody! 52 000 from the state - sounds good, isn't it true? Tax deduction Tax deduction Nearing the end of the year, it will be time to summarize soon, and also plan the next. Today about, what needs to be done right now, so that next year everything is in chocolate.

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