
Free August courses from coursera

  Fundamentals of corporate finance (Fundamentals of Corporate Finance) The course is dedicated to the methodology of company analysis, new for Russian practice, focused on the task of maximizing its fundamental value. It is based on the concepts of modern financial theory and goes far beyond the interpretation of the company's financial statements.. Applying the principles of universal financial theory, we, Nevertheless, reflect the specifics of the Russian capital market, which belongs to the group of emerging markets. The course is based on the study of public companies, however, its concepts are applicable to companies of any organizational and legal form. Financial Markets and Institutions This course covers the fundamentals of the functioning of financial markets., activities of financial institutions, financial instruments are being studied, that a person has to face in his life. Besides, reveals the basic principles of investing free funds in the financial market, fundamentals of financial calculations.

The start of training is postponed to January

Dear traders, If you have already enrolled in a US Stock Exchange trading course (NYSE, NASDAQ, AEMX ) or are planning to go through it remind you, that the start will be in JANUARY after the New Year holidays. Also in honor of the approaching New Year, extended tuition discounts. Teaching

Dmitry Cheremushkin (Xelius) advises my training

It was interesting and unexpected to see a comment by Dmitry Cheremushkin (Xelius) about my training in Traanan blog link Surprisingly he is right, I planned to sell my course by 10 000$, but made an exception for the first group that he recruited himself and set the minimum price. In the future, the price of the course will increase by 1.5 times with each new stream with an interval of 3-6 a month if you want to continue teaching and have enough time. The next set will be written Training

How many pros got divorced

I remember when I just started my trade, I really did not have enough information , because there were no bloggers in Russian about NYSE and I started a blog. At first glance, the situation has improved over the past couple of years., there is someone to read and even watch seminars, but these are units, the rest is rubbish. Some even try to write videos with deals and describe them., it's funny to watch how they hide the position size because. trade a small volume not exceeding 1000 Shares. Could show :) Most of those who started for some reason in a year consider themselves professionals and try to sell their courses, But what can he teach a person if he does not fully understand how to trade and only knows the basics?. There are, of course, a couple of people from whom you can learn, they have been in this business for many years and teach not for money, but because they like to pass on their knowledge. The rates of a profitable trader cannot cost 100-1000$, если это не ваш друг конечно. Would you waste time on a man for 500 bucks if you do it calmly a day 1000. I have been asked many times to teach you how to trade, but the price in 10 000$ a month hasn't worked for anyone yet, so I train only in the office of our traders. Strange, but the last last 3 месяца статистика по

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