Something about the subconscious. Conflicts

When you have a psychological conflict, it is in your best interest to resolve it as soon as possible. A hundred years ago, Freud said, and modern cognitive psychologists have proved, that there are limits to psychological energy, which consciousness can spend. The more problems you leave unresolved, the more they accumulate “” and the less psychological energy remains for their solution. When a problem is left unsolved, highly likely, that conflicts will arise when you, least expect them. Not every unresolved conflict will creep up, to influence behavior, but it would be wise to make sure, that you are free from psychological conflicts. You have unresolved conflicts on the other side of consciousness? Studies have shown, that such conflicts are difficult to ignore and pretend, that they don't exist. Now you need to combine the beneficial aspects of your favorite methods and invented options.. As you combine methods, make sure, that you are not creating a conflict within the system – for example, some model, potentially having more than one value or signal. Usually, You will come across situations like this. In these cases, you should find out, what factors cause the conflict and either eliminate one or more causes or add another rule to your method, that will block the conflict.