Investments. Events of the week 23.08.2021
Chinese stocks continue to fall. I bought Alibaba for 14 100 rub. at the time of this writing, the promotion is already 11 756, ie. on 16,6% below.
Chinese stocks continue to fall. I bought Alibaba for 14 100 rub. at the time of this writing, the promotion is already 11 756, ie. on 16,6% below.
Hello! ✌️ It's nice to see again, that the portfolio is ahead of the market! Hereof, about news and promotions today in the #дневникИИС Like post ♥️ - a must! Exchange newsNews #Китайскиеакции exchanges continue to fall. I bought Alibaba for 14 100 rub. at the time of this writing, the promotion is already 11 756, ie. on 16,6% below.