
Top 30 most influential investors in Silicon Valley [infographic]

Funders and Founders has posted an infographic on its Facebook page, displaying the rating of the most influential venture capital investors and business angels from Silicon Valley. This rating was compiled on the basis of references to investors on the Internet. (mostly on the Quora service), as well as surveys of entrepreneurs. Well,, if you are a startup with a project aimed at Western audiences, then now you know, who needs to send a description of their brilliant business idea in the first place. And the list of Twitter accounts of the specified investors will help you with this., which the author of the infographic has carefully collected for you in a separate table (after infographics). List of Twitter accounts of listed investors:

Demotivators about the Exchange

I decided to write a Saturday post on the now popular topic Demotivators about the Exchange. Watch and enjoy . Many pictures, traffic !!!

Trader evolution

We are ourselves and everything, what surrounds us, is a product of evolutionary processes, which were launched by nature many millions of years ago. And this process never stops.. We rarely think about it., but at this moment we are no longer the same, what were a minute ago. Something has changed in us., even though we don't notice it. Learning something new for yourself, gaining new knowledge and experience, we are also starting the process of evolution. It can be quite interesting to watch., how traders evolve. Entering the market in almost complete ignorance, gradually they become professionals with a stable income. Let us consider in more detail the stages of the evolution of the trader.  

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