Henry Clews

Henry Cluse / Henry Clews

Henry Cluse was born in England in 1836 year, and in 1850 emigrated to the United States. Kluz started out as a clerk in a large importing company and only later moved into the financial business.. Close became a member of the New York Stock Exchange shortly after the panic 1857 of the year, during which prices fell by about 50 Percent. “This crisis sounded like a funeral march for the old conservatism on Street, – wrote Kluz. – A younger race of financiers emerged, filling the places of the old conservative leaders ". For all his extravagance, Clouse was a value investor. He understood, that “at the heart of all this stormy mass of facts are the laws of nature; if we study them in relation to the objects they control, they (laws) will work the same way, like the rising of the sun ".

Henry Clews

Henri Clouzot was born in England in 1836, and in 1850 emigrated to the United States. Clouzot began as a clerk in a large company-importer, and only later moved into the financial sector business. Clouzot became a member of the New York Stock Exchange shortly after the panic of 1857, during which prices have fallen about 50 percent. “This crisis has sounded a funeral march for the old conservatism in the” Street “- wrote Clouzot. – There was a young race of financiers, to fill the seats of the old conservative leaders. ” For all its extravagance Clouzot was an investor in the price. He realized that “in light of all this tumultuous mass of facts are the laws of nature if we study them for their control facilities, they (the laws) will be working exactly the same way as the rising sun.”

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