live bear, this is a sleeping bear. life-giving colas, but. but this is the case.
the chart below is more interesting. five-year notes of the USA (futures): Battle of Isandlvan schedule for the year, не думайте, that it's the same, as the market, take away. the main mystery for me for the near future. By the way, curve bends. or a big recovery, or big illusion.
Besides, that the charts show the price history of the financial instrument, accompanied by volume, they are also a reflection of human behavior.. And so, that they reflect the basic human character, they can be used, as a psychological map, if you learn to read them correctly.
Looking at the daily SPX chart, with the new dynamics of the index, you can potentially see the level 1125-1135 to 20 November. In case of closing above 1120-1122, we can say, that SPX has broken the bearish line, passing from 1500 Level. Such a breakdown will be noticed and some can proclaim the beginning of a bull market..
Following the release of Friday's unemployment data, supporters of the apocalyptic development of events in the market were already happily rubbing their hands, anticipating, that now, for sure, everything will fall into the abyss, but it didn't work out. Markets took the news negatively, but then they recovered quickly enough. I said that, the picture on the chart would be aesthetically ugly, harmony is inherent in nature, proportions. When I was studying to be an architect, US, within the course, gave a three-dimensional composition. Something like this sounded: “Boys, here we often suffer, draw a bunch of sketches on tracing paper – does not work, ugly, not that… And finally, here he is, masterpiece. Now take it and draw it in proportion.. What happened?”. Idea, I think, understandable. We often spend incredible efforts., instead of, to act rationally. It's easier to go with the flow, than row against. Harmony is already inherent in us by nature. Many ancient buildings were built according to the laws of the golden section. The spiral of the Ionic capital is built in accordance with the series of Fibonacci numbers. Russian architect Zholtovsky was a big fan of finding proportions in nature., and as a consequence, all “Stalin's neoclassics” based on these principles. From the lips of technical analysis detractors you can often hear, what is TA – chimera, placebo, no accurate statistics, mathematical justification, all this is very subjective and unscientific. May be. But all our assessment of the surrounding reality comes from our subjective perception.. Here's a favorite example. Foreign tourist on, say, La Rambla in Barcelona. Beautiful architecture, sun, warmly, the sea is splashing nearby, a lot of money on plastic, which can be spent on all sorts of pleasures. And the bum, sitting in a nearby alley. Objectively, these two people are in the same place. Subjectively, everyone will draw their own picture of the world. People, by perception, are divided into four categories. Majority, about 80%, visuals. Obviously, there are a lot of such among traders. Graphical analysis gives a very clear picture, visually reflecting the general market sentiment, efficient, easy to use, and does not require powerful economic knowledge. No need to be smart, enough observation and discipline. That, that the majority of market participants trade in TA, only strengthens his position. look, for example, how clearly the eurodollar has moved between fib levels over the past couple of weeks, is this not a reflection of natural perfection?! Most financial analysts, in my opinion, belong to people with a mathematical mindset. They perceive reality through the prism of complex formulas and calculations., and enjoy it. This does not mean, that their point of view is wrong. It just may differ from the point of view of the majority., and in the market you should not stand against the movement of the crowd, trampled. Lose money, mostly, because of emotions, illiterate money management, desires to catch the end of the movement, or, against, following the trend on his breath. In conclusion, I will give a graph for S&P500. Objectives, indicated in this post they were written about in many trading blogs. Everything is clear, by Murphy. How could you not make money on this?? :) Now, in a week, possible formation of the right shoulder. If the pattern is implemented, and a breakdown of the neck line will take place, correction awaits us, with a view to 950-960. And further up!
I do not believe in a global apocalypse, at least, economic. It's just that it will affect absolutely everyone., including, the mighty, but they are unlikely to be interested in this. Output options are available, and tested since ancient times, remember Solon's reforms. Believers in big n…h, can continue to buy carcass and cartridges. We are on the same street, but we play different roles. Personally, I prefer the role of a wealthy foreigner :)
It is high time for the management and employees of the RTS exchange to be prosecuted for disrupting trading and manipulating quotes.. In America, they would get fucked in full for this. But in Russia, the future meravian fenance center, you can do whatever. FFMS turns a blind eye to this chaos.
Here you can do whatever you want – if you want, you can toss ballots in a disproportionate amount for the desired party, if you want, you can wear shoulder straps, plump, drive in the opposite lane, shoot down pregnant women or just ram other cars with people. You can take subordinate military personnel and go to solve personal issues. Or you can simply take away the cargo at customs by declaring it contraband. You can kill Russian soldiers and become the president of the republic in the Russian Federation. You can fly in a helicopter and hunt Red Book animals. You can still steal the federal budget for tens of millions of dollars., pay a fine of thousands of rubles, and with a suspended sentence and fresh capital to get a job as mayor in another city. Everything is possible here for money. And with power and money in general, everything, everything, everything.
Briefly speaking. In the morning, trading on FORST RTS did not open again. Of course, they did not open for technical reasons.. Hmm, for what reasons they still cannot open. It was impossible to withdraw and submit applications. But many saw in their glasses how quotes were running, as if the bidding is underway. Moreover, the decrease / increase in prices reacted to the MICEX and Dax. Year, one and a half ago, on the chart of a futures on ind.rts, a few minute candles once popped up a quote before trading. Many joked that it was from the future.. At the close, the chart plotted exactly the same candles for the formation and price – “prediction” came true.
Here I asked a question to the exchange. But I think, like everyone else in this country, they will let the brakes go and the topic will be deleted, how admins have done it more than once.
Exchange questions 1. Whose placed orders we saw in the order book before the opening of trading 10.55 (these quotes have been seen by many bidders. I wrote down some of the quotes on the saw and will post it later.)
2. How could they get into the order book if the exchange did not work. (it doesn't matter yesterday or today, what were they doing there?)
shl. my IMHO These are the orders of the RTS quotation robot, providing liquidity in the order book. because. decrease and increase in prices reacted to the movement of the MMVB / SIPI / DAC index. That is why with Troika as a former Market Maker of this instrument (futures on the rtc index) no new contract was signed. Because RTS has created its own robot, and MM no longer needs services. This robot can do whatever you want. Want up- want to go down. Any quote.
Today RTS was openly burned and showed everyone, what a robot, who constantly played with orders in glasses, who extinguished all movements and threw applications this is their robot. RTS holds competitions for the LPI , identifies strategies, chooses something for his robot. RTS decided to cut coupons itself – she is so greedy. RTS dropped to the level of the second-rate forex office RTS – KITCHEN.
U.S. Federal Reserve (also known as the Fed ) is the central banking system of the United States. It was created in 1913 year as a result of the adoption of the Federal Reserve Act, largely as a response to a series of financial panics or massive bank flaws, especially severe panic in 1907 year. Over time, the roles and responsibilities of the Federal Reserve System have expanded and its structure has undergone changes.. Such events, like the great depression, were among the main factors, leading to changes in the system. His duties today, according to official documents of the Federal Reserve System, are divided into four main areas:
Finally, after the summer landing, my profit graph has broken through the highs and is slowly going up.. Думаю потихоньку вырисовывается тренд вверх Раньше 90% my monthly profits were moc , but they disappeared and had to switch to intraday. I have improved my trading and slowly increase my position size. From now on everything will be better and better., the main thing is to maintain discipline. Chart for the entire trading time :
It pisses me off that my platform displays candles for today only, no MICEX index, nothing at all, how to trade. Is at best 12 candles in an hour from the opening and determine the trend and tendency by them. Where you can watch charts on the MICEX index and stocks in real time for free ??? Tired of updating the site with an index :oops:
VIX fear index – shows the state of the market, his direction and mood. The regularity of the indicator is as follows, what when the market falls, volatility index is growing, and when the market grows, volatility index is decreasing. VIX Index – ticker symbol for the Chicago Option Exchange Volatility Index, popular measure of implied instability S&P 500 index options. High value corresponds to a more volatile market and therefore more expensive options, which can be used, to pay the risk of volatility. If investors see high risks of price changes, they will demand, for a large premium to insure against such a change, selling variants. Often called the Fear Index, this represents one measure of market expectations for volatility over the next 30 day period.