
everything at once?

24 DEC.
Sucks, selected several shares for myself to trade: BRY BVN CQB IPI MED
Watched them. But then I looked at the chat, and there someone threw a share, which interested me. And the name of this action is NLY
It seemed to be making its way down nicely, well, I opened on a breakout.
I understand myself, first mistake – big stop.
Link to graph
Day summary: -33with.
PS: […]

Pair trade update

 Boys! I don `t understand. Judging by the comments, many do not understand, how does the pair trade work. And here is the naked short of Sberbank.
I am talking about a pair trade and should not be considered separately., and together. Even if Sberbank goes up, Gazprom may also go to the top, and in case of a fall, the rate of fall of Sberbank may be higher than that of Gazprom.
So I gave you a graph, so you can see, what you need to watch together , and not separately

Pair trade

I give the pair trade chart of Long Gaprom and Short Sberbank. As seen on the right side of the curve (bell) распределения. Currently, Gazprom is located in an area of ​​less than 5%, what is of interest, like a long against Sberbank.
It does not mean, that the trade will be successful at once, but throughout 3 months Gazprom can behave better, than Sberbank. If consider, that the market is so far unpredictable and neutral, then this trade can be called to some extent market neutral. Judging by the bottom graph below, potential profit can be substantial.
The schedule is also normalized, that is, it shows 2 parts of Sberbank against 1 parts of Gazprom.

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Coldly. Below thirty. A searing north wind and everything is minus in terms of comfort 37 comes out. Car owners abandoned yesterday's attempts to start, “light a cigarette” from a lucky neighbor. I won't even try – in such a frost, this is a mockery of the car. It's good to have a relatively free schedule.
But next week the temperature promises to be much warmer., maybe the markets will thaw?

Something wrong

Well, I can't for 2 seconds to make a decision. More precisely, I can, but enter into a pose sykatno.

This is what I mean, that I usually open the terminal and there the schedule shouts urgently to the short! But I need to look at the picture wider, look for confirmation… As a result, another technical prowflon ): (And everything was very technical, according to the described scenario a thousand times with a breakdown test and continuation)

Then I only have enough for a small scalp with a small size.

Many thoughts.

The main thing is to develop the skill of refilling the position.. It will help in topping up the vertical position.. That is, in fact, it does not matter if you entered at a good price or did not enter. If you know how to top up, then you will do it at the worst prices, which in the end should still lead to good results. At the moment, if I missed the entrance, I stare blankly at the departing train and wait for a new one (looking for new signals for a new entry).

There are still no conditions for normal work.

PS. I learned what requotes are (:

PPS. Not a trader's.

In the morning I drove my son for scheduled maintenance (in year) (((:

Have handed over feces, urine, finger blood. Gone optometrist, podiatrist, lora, surgeon, dentist and did an EKG. Everything in three polyclinics, in different parts of the city. Don't fucking get up. In polyclinics, everything is as usual - queues, nerve endings, late specialists… Sanka was exhausted, sleeps off. Good to him. What about me, after such morning exercises, in two seconds to make a decision and open a pose is not possible ):

international investment group

rolled into another office for an interview. clean new office, новые моники 20-22", widescreen. two on the table. interviewed 1 on madam, the second was watching. soft, politely, gallantly. in fact, there are two requirements for the candidate – is such a schedule convenient and the road to the office and the second: agree, that at the stage of training there will be no income. well it is like that everywhere. so I almost immediately nodded epilepsy))
what VERY liked – in the learning process, everyone finds their own method on the Nice (they work in the amer markets exclusively). ie. there is no obligation to be a scalper or someone else: what does the soul lie for, so hack. after training you start with a deposit $3000 and the limit of daily losses in $30. education 1.5 months.
99% I go to them to develop further, should call back at the end of the week and say when the startup training.
who cares – here is the vacancy.
really if someone is going to go there by metro – I have no idea how it will be)
ps: on the way back they called from swift, waiting for the second stage – I asked them to postpone it. there is a demand)
upd: ah yes.. pobablu – 20-40%

A mystery country

try three charts to determine the country in question. maybe regional or other affiliation of the country, or region.

first schedule: structure of GDP in the usual breakdown by components (consumption on the right scale), but instead of pure export, just export is taken, to keep the intrigue, ie. the sum of the components does not give 100%.
second graph: growth rate of nominal GDP in USD.
third graph: structure of GDP by sector value added.

there are options?

in fact, this is the world economy.
which seems great:
* increase in the share of exports. not growth itself, and the growth rate. globalization, but.
* consumption reduction after 00x. by reducing the share of the United States? сомневаюсь, you need to look in more detail by country.
* still for shares, nominal GDP growth is very important. in the last post, Rosenberg talked about addiction (dependence density) between nominal GDP growth and company sales growth. no special conclusions should be drawn, but the nominal dynamics is very interesting.
* what surprised, this is the stability of the share of trade, construction and transport. And, for example, bounce in prey, but practically its absence in mechanical engineering.

weirdness detected. the nuances of the methodology that I have not yet understood lead to, what “Mining, Manufacturing, Utilities (ISIC C-E)” And “Manufacturing (ISIC D)”, it is often the same, therefore, in the graph above, the sum of the shares is somewhere 120%, but not 100%. at what, go out on 100% fails due to inconsistent ratio (ie. shares of one in the other, which leads to double counting).

just in case,
mining accounts for a small part of GDP usually. but the growth of its share in the amount of production + mechanical engineering is noticeable. the trick is, what “mechanical engineering” not equal “(mechanical engineering + mining)-booty”, because there are still utilities)

Steve Neeson (Steve Nison)

Steve Neeson, President of Nison Research International, Inc. (NRI), was the first, who discovered the Japanese method of technical analysis, known as "candlestick charts", for the West. He is an internationally recognized authority in the field., revolutionized technical analysis in the USA and Europe by applying these methods. He is the author of two popular books.: "Japanese Candlesticks" and "Beyond Japanese Candlesticks". He advises all over the world, including the Federal Reserve and World Bank. At NRI, Mr. Neeson specializes in webinars and consulting services to organizations. Detecting Early Reversal Signals With Japanese Candlesticks A prudent person has more than one bowstring for his bow.. ( Japanese proverb) Analysis of Japanese candlestick charts has this name, because its lines resemble candles. Used by generations of people in East Asia. Such graphs were in use long before columnar histograms or "tic-tac-toe", but were practically unknown to the Western world before, how I introduced them into use in 1990 year. This charting technique is now used internationally by many traders., investors and well-known financial institutions.

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