
my_trade @ 2013-07-20T18:33:00

Давайте общаться “по понятиям”)

Очень давно хотел написать. Вижу много трейдеров путаются в терминах и не понимают друг друга…

Вот и Александр Михайлович возмущался на Finam.FM))

Поэтому, даю пояснения))
Если я утверждаю, что конкретные классические методики тех. анализа говно – это не значит, что я имею ввиду “технический анализ” в принципе.

Что такое технический анализ?
Это анализ конкретной биржевой информации: цены, объема, времени, ордеров… и т.д.

Так вот есть масса способов интерпретации этой инфы.
Есть классические методы интерпретации, предложенные всякими Швагерами, Найманами, Мерфи.
Вайкофф и все что на нем основано тоже классический метод, т.к. основан 100 лет назад.
PriceAction – это тоже всего лишь метод.. интерпретации того, что ты видишь на графике.

Так вот миссия моего последнего видео была в том, что бы показать, что все эти МЕТОДЫ технического анализа в чистом виде полное говно и не выдерживают никакой критики.
Я указал на ошибки определения поддержек/сопротивлений и тренда. Т.е. ошибки в основополагающих вещах, а не в каких-то там нюансах.

НО… сделал это, используя тот же анализ цены, объема и времени. Просто я абсолютно по другому это интерпретирую, но делаю это обоснованно, объективно, в рамках формальной логики. Только и всего.

Вывод: Конечно я торгую по тех. анализу.. я ж ведь смотрю на график. И входы и стопы определяю только исходя из него.
Но это не имеет ничего с теми способами анализа цены и обьема, которые описаны в книжках и в интернете.

Всё.. я высказался )

One graph — one major player.

Noticed a common detail in the selling theories of various gurus. They ALWAYS have ONE big player on their chart with a smart day

Gold(ETF) from the archive

This is how the weekly chart looked from the archive of paid analytics. 14 April 2013 Currently, the primary goal of reaching the lower line is the channel

Trade-ideas Configuring special window filters in Russian

  Name Description Min Price These filters refer to the last print or current level 1 information at the time of the appearance of the signal. These are the exact values, they are not averaged or leveled. Max Price Min Spread Max Spread Min Bid Size Min Ask Size Min Distance from Inside Market Compare the latest print with the best bid and offer. If you set the maximum, equal 0, then you will see only those stocks, with which transactions were made at the price of the best bid or offer, or in between, at the time the signal appears. At the value of the maximum 0.1, trades with a price no more than 0,1% above the best offer and at least a tenth of a percent below the best bid, which helps distinguish valid prints from bad ones. The further the print value is from the best values, the less reliable the signal. This is especially handy when working with OddsMaker.. OddsMaker uses the last print price as the entry price. This is only applicable if, if it was a valid print. The closer the price was to the best bid or offer values, all the more likely, that this value can be used. Max Distance from Inside Market Min Daily Volume Относятся к общему дневному объему торгов для стандартного дня. They do not use the volume of the current day.. More information about volume: Matching scanners: Highest Volume. Max Daily Volume Min

Trade-ideas Configuring special window filters in Russian Read more

trade-ideas signal types description in english

Name Description New high These signals indicate the print (deal) by higher (high) or low (low) price, than all other transactions of the day. The highs and lows are zeroed out (reset) once a day at the time set by the exchange. When the signal server registers a new high, he is looking for the last day, when the price was higher, than at the moment. He informs the day, When did it happen, and the high of that day, as a resistance level. For a new low, the server also marks the last time, when the price was below the current, and reports this value as a support level. note: it is a very simple model for identifying support and resistance levels. Some signals, listed below, use more sophisticated algorithms to find these parameters. These warnings are related to Position in Range filters. Use these filters, to make other types of signals sensitive to highs and lows. Other options, associated with these signals., listed below. New low New high ask These signals appear every time, when the ask price rises above or the bid price falls below, than for the whole day. They are reset (reset) in the same time, what the highs and lows. These signals never appear during 30 seconds before opening, or earlier, than through 60 seconds, after him. Other options, Related to …

trade-ideas signal types description in english Read more

Pair trading: why won't I tell my students about it

A few years ago, a German billionaire started pair trading with two classes of Volkswagen stock.. Ended up, that he threw himself under the train. The strategy of pair trading – buying one stock against selling another within one sector – looks attractive in theory., but can be a real killer of your portfolio. This is how it works: when you trade a stock in a pair, you buy the laggard and sell the overtaker. You bet on reverting to mean. In other words, you think, what share, which performs relatively poorly, over the next period will straighten and overtake that, what worked well. In the oil sector, this could be, for example, Exxon Mobil (XOM) against Royal Dutch (RDS), in the healthcare sector something like GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) against Pfizer (PFE). This is a popular strategy, and opportunities can be easily spotted on the chart, where the ratio of one stock to another is displayed, ie. on a relative chart. Here you see a graph of the consumer goods company Unilever. (AND) against his competitor Procter & Gamble (PG). This is a three-year chart, and when the line goes up, this means, that UN is ahead of PG, а когда вниз – PG обгоняет UN.

Zen Trading on the principle of "here and now"!

We do not buy a train ticket from a week ago, we do not buy food, which expired, dollars and euros are not sold to us at a favorable rate for us, who was in banks five years ago. But in trading, for some reason, they try to teach us exactly this model of behavior.. Here's a schedule, here are the levels on it, patterns, models, […]

Pair trading

One person writes a free tutorial on pair trading:// It will be necessary to read at your leisure, not…

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