Day trading for 8-9 Martha

8 march just lost money out of the blue, did not feel very well and started trading from the very opening, what is contrary to my trading style, but 9 march beat off everything and made on top of the money. GES : Guess Would be a good deal, if not this fall. SID : National Steel Company (ADR)

Trading ideas on 7 December

Symbol SELL BUY ABX 41.5 48 AEP 0 34.5 AGU 0 60.6 AIG 28 32 APH 0 45.8 BGC 28 0 BIG 0 28.2 CMI 42 0 DTE 0 42.6

Trading ideas on 4 September

Symbol SELL BUY AMX 43 44.5 FMX 34.3 36 GAZ 12 0 GDX 0 45 GES 33.5 36 GVA 30 0 HOT 27 28.4 IAG 0 14.6 KGC 0 22.2 LO 71 73.5 MCO 23 24.5 MHP 28.3 29.5 MVL 47 49 OSK 31 32.6 SICK 0 42.5 WLT 0 55.5

Trading ideas on 3 September

Symbol SELL BUY AMX 43 44.5 FMX 34.3 35.5 GAZ 12.4 0 GES 33.5 36 GVA 30 0 HOT 27 28.4 LO 71 73.5 MHP 32 34 MVL 47 49 OSK 31 35 TXT 0 18 VTR 36 37.4

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