
Streaming Day Trading trades on the NYSE, NASDAQ – live show

  Live streaming of transactions on the us stock exchange. All transactions take place on live accounts within the day on the NYSE markets, NASDAQ. – broadcast live Schedule: Weekdays 20:45 MSK time Recording | Telegram chat | Teaching

Finam.FM interview with Alexander Gerchik – From taxi driver to efficient trader (Video)

ПРОНЬКО: 21 hour and 7 minutes in the Russian capital, good evening again, at the microphone Yuri Pronko, on the radio “Finam FM” daily program “Dry residue”. Today we have an interesting guest - I judge from the program forum “Dry residue”, you have a lot of questions for him. Really, extraordinary person! But let me keep a little secret, just for a couple of minutes, and let's, We will see, how, Firstly, ended trading in Russia, let's see, what is happening on world sites. Well, that one, who will visit the website, thats a secret, in fact, will reveal. Firstly, will also see the webcast on our website, you can not only listen to us, but also see, well, you will find out, who is our guest today. But this is such an intrigue for literally one minute.. (Dry residue) Today trading opened with a decline in indices, but in the morning “by a bull” managed to seize the initiative for a short time and bring the market to a plus. Published data on PMI and retail sales in the euro area did not affect investor sentiment. In the afternoon, there was a correction, but macro statistics from the USA on orders in the manufacturing industry and durable goods turned out to be better than expected and returned buyers to the sites. The growth of oil prices by more than one and a half percent helped the Russian stock market to stay in …

Finam.FM interview with Alexander Gerchik – From taxi driver to efficient trader (Video) Read more

Show Statement!

Interesting information was posted by Alexey Martyanov, known as' maitrade" about his friend Alexander Gerchik, who sent him his statement from one of the managed account at InteractiveBrokers for the period from 18 March to 10 May of this year. During this period, earned +30,89%.


For interest, I also decided to look at my results for the same period and was amazed at the coincidence — exactly the same result was obtained on one of the accounts — The same +30%


But on another account it turned out more — +43%


The truth about others, less fortunate accounts, we are modestly silent :)


The course of Alexander Mikhailovich is approaching.

The course is in intensive format, duration 8 days (about 32 hours) and consists of theoretical and practical lessons. This is an updated course, which is on 80% consists of practice (already from the 2nd lecture) and which will contain a lot of valuable information on different markets, including options, futures, forex. The course is designed as for beginners, and experienced traders

Classes will be held – during weekdays: with 18:30 to 22:30 hours, on the weekend: with 11 to 15 hours.

All information on the website of Alexander Mikhailovich

From myself: highly recommend to go. Lots of useful information, you can meet interesting and useful people.

P.S.. I'll be there with the guys from our office. Come – I'll see you.

Sensational news. “BOMBA DLYA TRAIDEROV….”

To the team of the brokerage group «ITinvest – Avenue» joined by Alexander Gerchik, previously – managing partner of the largest brokerage companies from Wall Street.

In BG, Alexander will be engaged in the development of trade of her clients in the global markets (Global Markets). The new line of business will significantly expand the range of customer opportunities «ITinvest – Avenue».

«This is a unique offer for Russia, – says Alexander Gerchik. For qualified investors, we offer the opportunity to manage funds using ALL the possibilities of the global financial markets at the same time.. Our goal is to offer investors the opportunity to work in the most liquid markets and the most profitable instruments at any given time.. We will help clients' funds move there, where is the vector of global liquidity directed. We have at our disposal all segments of the global financial market – stock, currency, commodity markets around the world. There are now stocks in the arsenal of traded instruments and investment objects, futures, currency pairs, and soon fixed income tools will be added to them, structured products, and many others».

«This is a classic scheme for working in the financial market., which is still not holistically provided by brokers in Russia, – emphasizes Maxim Kasatkin, CEO of a brokerage company «AVENUE». – As part of the Global Markets direction, we will give clients the opportunity to be present in the global market with multi-level systems for diversifying the investment portfolio and risk management. Besides, Alexander, undoubtedly, person with charisma, what is important for the development of such an interesting direction, as Global Markets. For us, cooperation with such a trader and manager – these are new opportunities, new services and new clients».

A. Gerchik:


dumayou ne prosto konkurenti a na golovu vishe…mi gotovim dlua klientov ochen mnogo interesnih veshei…



On a tip from good_trade, I downloaded Gerchik's videoconference
All in all the right things are being said, listeners are charged with enthusiasm, and are ready to go plow thousands of charts.
I got the impression of a well-staged performance, hedonistic five “Bentley” per trading session, Gena's debater appeared on time, resolving conflict situations Gerchik himself. Briefly speaking, “five”, well, with a little stretch :)
Now here's what I wanted to ask, maybe someone knows. I have, personally, there are no questions about Gerchik's professionalism. Statements of type: “And show your state”, “Yes, he earns by seminars”, “and if such a cool trader, why is training, I would cut myself…”, I think, at least, naive and childish. I wonder what. Alexander decided to apply the idea, once a bear can be taught to ride a motorcycle, a human being to trade – easily. A similar experience is described in the book “Turtles path”. I remember, our teacher of drawing, told, how on a dare taught to draw a cleaning lady, who had no skills. Truth, he claimed, that such training has a certain limit, to go higher, need talent :)
Rumors began to spread, what people, trained, plus don't trade much, Furthermore, project, for Gerchik, unprofitable. As a result, he became more selective., when recruiting. Who has something to say about this?

New interview with AM

A very fresh interview with Alexander Mikhailovich Gerchik.

I advise everyone.

Happy viewing.

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