
TOS Twinkorswim closes access to live charts

Looks like TOS trading terminal – Twinkorswim increasingly begins to fight against lovers of demo access to view charts in real time. Gradually blocking of accounts occurs at the entrance when entering "Live Trading". But I think our people will still find how to get around this problem.. I can only suggest taking a demo of the Fusion terminal

Algotrading webinar

Already today, 26 June in 20:00 MSC will host a free webinar “Trading robots in America”. Leader of the lesson - Artem Samundjyan, Head of Training at StockSharp will talk about, what developments are available to traders to automate trading on the American stock market. Webinar plan: – How Fusion interacts with StockSharp; – Connecting to the Fusion trading platform from S # .Studio; – Retrieving data from Fusion via S # .Data; – Using Fusion in Your Robot. To participate in the webinar, just a couple of minutes before the start of the broadcast, follow the link and log in as a guest. Join the conversation with an expert!

Crazy Fusion Contest

Are you fond of trading on American exchanges? Consider yourself an experienced trader? Ready to test your trading method for strength? GT Capital Group announces the start of the trading competition, anyone can take part in it. Within one day, participants must make every effort and show the greatest profit when working on a demo account. Every day 10 new contestants make deals on demo accounts in the Fusion platform. Following the results of five days of competition among 50 the top five will be selected. The company will reward the lucky ones with prize amounts: 1st place – $500; 2nd place – $300; 3rd place – $200; 4th place – $100; V place – $50. Learn more…

Question – Answer from a practicing trader Good_trade

That would not answer by 100 times on 1 the same question, you can ask it in this post, and I will post the answer to it. So we will save our time ... Decided to renew this section, so I will be glad to new comments. What trading platform are you using? IB Trader Workstation (TWS), RT PRO Fusion (Blackwood ), Takion, GT Web, Laser, Sterling PRO, THAT, Lightspeed, ROX, GrayBox, Aurora, MultiCharts

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