
Streaming Day Trading trades on the NYSE, NASDAQ – live show

  Live streaming of transactions on the us stock exchange. All transactions take place on live accounts within the day on the NYSE markets, NASDAQ. – broadcast live Schedule: Weekdays 20:45 MSK time Recording | Telegram chat | Teaching

Index TOP 20: Forex investing from MMCIS

Forex MMCIS group offers a range of services for earning money in the foreign exchange market. Despite, that the basis of the company's business strategy was initially working with traders, in the modern activity of the broker, more and more attention is paid to investors and passive earnings. The emergence of a new focus in development is largely due to the growing popularity of this direction among moneymakers. Besides, more and more people are convinced of the advantages of investing in Forex in comparison with bank deposits.

Interim results of an exchange startup

Exchange, as a startup. Sounds pretty unusual. A huge number of legal issues immediately come to mind, regulatory turmoil, etc.. It would seem that, just don't start like that. But, as many people know, there are successful attempts to resist the bureaucracy of the financial world. The history of this confrontation is, of course, largely a virtual component - electronic payment systems. And as we well know, world of software, albeit virtual, with due skill and perseverance, it is quite realistically monetized. The history of the development of such a confrontation / addition can be painted for a long time. But we will focus on one of the extreme events of this front: cryptocurrencies. And even narrow the narrative even further: cryptocurrency exchanges.

Terminal for Autochartist signals

Autochartist is a new development by programmers, also created for convenient and effective trading. Its feature is that, that the program automatically detects trends on the chart, their beginning and end, technical analysis channels and figures. Determines the degree of quality of the figures at the moments of entry and exit of transactions and is able to notify the appearance of such with a sound signal, which makes it possible not to be constantly near the monitor. Using this program, you can select the market. This is FOREX, INDEX, NASDAQ, NYSE, AMEX. And on each of them, Autochartist can notify the trader in advance of the opportunities, which have more potential. To select all the required data, you just need to go to the settings and select the required tool and the desired interval.

How Forex works and is it needed?

When it comes to stock market and exchange trading, first, what comes to mind for many people is forex. Really, advertising this type of investment (although such operations in this market can hardly be called) penetrated into many areas of our life - successful traders, who earn thousands of dollars in parallel with their main job or lying on the beach, look at us and from posters in subway cars, and from banners on the web. Meanwhile, everything is not so simple here.

Liquidity and volatility

If the securities, certain goods, various resources can be sold and purchased very quickly, while their cost remains practically at the same level, then they have this property, like liquidity. The highest degree of liquidity is inherent in cash. The Forex market demonstrates its level of liquidity in this indicator, as trading volume. The more transactions are associated with a particular asset, the more liquid it is. The highest degree of liquidity is inherent in the foreign exchange market, on which Forex trading is carried out daily, which turns into about three trillion US dollars, that more, than the turnover of the world stock market several times. Therefore, the Forex market has the highest degree of liquidity.. The liquidity of a currency pair is determined on the exchange by the presence of transactions, related, that is, if there is a buyer, who is trying to purchase a certain amount of this currency, no matter how much volume, even if it is small, the main thing is that transactions are made. Therefore, the most liquid are pairs., in which both currencies are popular among traders, they sell much faster, than those, in which at least one of the currencies is "exotic". There are cross-rates in the Forex market, which have a low level of liquidity, по той причине, that they are first compared to the U.S. dollar. The most profitable and effective will be the trading strategy of activities in the Forex market, если при ее

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What affects the work of the Forex market?

To work efficiently on the Forex market, a trader needs to consider many factors, that have an impact on the market and its functioning. A stable exchange rate does not yet mean a stable market situation. Since Forex – international structure, then and factors, which affect his work, there are many. The exchange rate is affected by the volume of trades on it. Every experienced trader knows, that the exchange rate is based on demand and volume for it, this is how a trend is formed. The work of the foreign exchange market is organized in this way, that this practically completely excludes the possibility of learning about the trading volumes for a certain period of time. Besides, Forex does not have a specific reference to the place of trade, but works with the help of communication technology through computers, communicators and mobile phones. This means, that it is very difficult to calculate the amount of sold and purchased currency. Can, for example, process data on futures exchanges, however, for a complete picture, we need to process information on all futures companies in the world, which in itself is very expensive and long. Therefore, traders came up with a new, easier way. But above all, need to clarify such a moment, what to open or close positions, finding out the trading volumes will not be an entirely appropriate decision. It is common knowledge, that the main market participants are large financial institutions, who are able to create excitement in the market, или сделать видимость

What affects the work of the Forex market? Read more

Forex or stocks?

Forex or stocks?As a preface, I decided to publish an article, which I found on the internet. There are quite a few such articles on the Internet., And

The Importance of Psychology in Forex Trading

All beginners and even some experienced traders greatly underestimate the influence of psychology on trading in the Forex market.. Forex psychology is perceived by a novice trader as something incomprehensible and often unnecessary, and most often it is ranked in last place for a trader. But only inexperienced traders do this.. If we analyze the statements of many successful, successful traders, then success in trading interest on 90 depends precisely on the psychological aspects. But what is psychology in the market at all?? In our opinion, this is a special mental state of a trader., when it is in harmony with the market, learned to control his emotions and clearly fulfills his trading plan, your trading system. Many will say - why do we need psychology,  you give us a profitable trading system and we will make money in the market. But, surprisingly, market success is determined by a non-profitable system, and above all, strict adherence to your trading plan. You can give two identical trading systems to two traders and their results will be different. Why? Because one clearly followed this system, its rules, while the other constantly deviated from it - then the stop loss moved, then did not close unprofitable positions, etc.. Your success or failure in the market depends entirely on you.. Psychology in the market is a very delicate thing. What …

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