Stephen Cohen / Steven Cohen
Stephen Cohen grew up in Great Neck, New York State, in the family of a clothing manufacturer and a piano teacher. The family was big and noisy. Cohen thinks, that it was here that he learned to concentrate on the main. And in cards, and at school Cohen did well. “In the mornings, he often had bundles of hundred-dollar bills on his desk.”, – recalls Donald, 47-summer accountant from Florida. “I've learned to take risks through poker”, – says Cohen. At the University of Pennsylvania he studied economics, played poker and became interested in the stock market. He opened an account with a brokerage firm Gruntal and put there $7000, intended for tuition fees. At the brokerage office closest to the hostel, he followed the market and, thanks to several transactions, earned enough, to pay all bills. IN 1978 G. Cohen took a job at Gruntal, where on the first day I earned for the company 8 000 $. Ultimately Cohen did approximately 100 000 $ a day for the company, to 1984 he managed a portfolio in $75 million and a group of six traders. There were transactions on his account, who helped Gruntal cover losses, incurred due to transactions of other traders. IN 1992 G., left Gruntal, Cohen opened a hedge fund, investing there $20 million own funds (today the firm manages more than 12 billion $). IN …