sweetest randomness

In recent years, I have very much appreciated the relationship between chances in our lives and subsequent turns of events.. there are micro-random, that affect the event for the next few hours or days, but there are macros, which can drastically change even life, well, or the next few years: random call, chance meeting.

Years ago, a random call from a school friend took me to a series of interviews at KPMG for a leadership position in a new department.. then, I flew, я принял решение целенаправиться в Trading.. and nobody knows, if I had successfully passed a series of polygraph interrogations – where would my destiny turn. I certainly would not have acquired all this experience and knowledge in the field of trading, which can be useful in life in any other area.

well this is all preamble..

and now ambola. micro-randomness in trading, which affects the outcome of the day :))
4 stack of open selected, I sit watching, studying tapes.
через минут 20 I understand that the 4th stack is very narrow-cut, albeit 50 tanks and inplay.
well, it doesn't go anywhere, even crack.

I instantly click on the secondary sheet, be he wrong (or cool?). about! MTZ … I find a replacement in the 4th window of the tape. everything is beautiful: from 18 fought back down, the tape is being printed to a hidden offer. why not short?
in general less than 5 minutes after I found it, I'm already in a 2K wool shorts.

и тут… внезапне! HUYAKS… stick against me at -38ts.. мигом! just even without printing this range, as if someone otkansel something and moved it higher. Naturally, this is just a flight even for the limit of the day and I find myself in a complete mess.

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excellent consequences of chance, is not it? which in moments turned the consequences of the trading day into the same aforementioned zhöppa. прошу +200 risk, I start looking for an exceptionally sure shot.. from the same secondary list I find INHX (then he is still needed?), buyer by 8, collected not many sellers, but the situation is worth trying because of the clear moderate risk.. all in all, with occasional half-covers and half-couches, again I rolled to 9 and brought the day into a positive zone, on that and having finished…

although JEF , became inplay at lunchtime was very captivating to the observation, but I preferred to roll up the tent and go to the party.

maybe we should all think about the consequences of accidents more often, although we will never know the other side of the coin…

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