A mystery country

try three charts to determine the country in question. maybe regional or other affiliation of the country, or region.

first schedule: structure of GDP in the usual breakdown by components (consumption on the right scale), but instead of pure export, just export is taken, to keep the intrigue, ie. the sum of the components does not give 100%.
second graph: growth rate of nominal GDP in USD.
third graph: structure of GDP by sector value added.

there are options?

in fact, this is the world economy.
which seems great:
* increase in the share of exports. not growth itself, and the growth rate. globalization, but.
* consumption reduction after 00x. by reducing the share of the United States? сомневаюсь, you need to look in more detail by country.
* still for shares, nominal GDP growth is very important. in the last post, Rosenberg talked about addiction (dependence density) between nominal GDP growth and company sales growth. no special conclusions should be drawn, but the nominal dynamics is very interesting.
* what surprised, this is the stability of the share of trade, construction and transport. And, for example, bounce in prey, but practically its absence in mechanical engineering.

weirdness detected. the nuances of the methodology that I have not yet understood lead to, what “Mining, Manufacturing, Utilities (ISIC C-E)” And “Manufacturing (ISIC D)”, it is often the same, therefore, in the graph above, the sum of the shares is somewhere 120%, but not 100%. at what, go out on 100% fails due to inconsistent ratio (ie. shares of one in the other, which leads to double counting).

just in case,
mining accounts for a small part of GDP usually. but the growth of its share in the amount of production + mechanical engineering is noticeable. the trick is, what “mechanical engineering” not equal “(mechanical engineering + mining)-booty”, because there are still utilities)

  So, a couple of thoughts.
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