
Taleb не такой уж и лох)

…how do you think about him)

Briefly speaking.. Over the past six months, several investaroffs have written to me.. offered loot, but I refused.
But one of them, who really wanted to give money to someone – I advised one dude… Gave his contacts, всё дела..

I personally saw this trader's statement. Monthly reports for 1.5 year at CME.  With all the deals, all the shit. results: 20-30% per month stable from the depot at 10-30 тыщ долл.
well, I think, dude knows his stuff.. and recommended it…

All in all, passed 2 months… According to the investor, he almost leaked the whole bill, so he froze the account and took all that was left).

Fuck.. unpleasant situation… Such a feeling, that I leaked to him myself.. Спрашиваю, why trader не остановился на оговоренной просадке в 15-20%?
– “Ну.. because the loss immediately became much larger (apparently a gap – approx. ed) and the loss had to be recouped somehow))

In general, a classic. And you say, Statement)
Successful trader – this is the one, who, according to the theory of probability, simply has not yet had time to merge))))))

Therefore, no “успешных трейдаров” I don't recommend anyone else…
(especially those, who is doing “only” on 70% per month))))))

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