Stable income?

Stable income?

I have already touched on the topic of passive income (link), but you will have to return to her.

Начнем с начала.

I trader. I don't work anywhere, only speculation. Almost 4 Year.. Ну.. just occasionally leveling up my training skill)

If I look around my acquaintances – I see 2 categories… No, even 3:

  1. Systematically drain the loot. Or they just don't earn. Internship unimportant.
  2. Earn on the market and at the same time have additional income
  3. They earn and don't work anywhere. BUT! They have:
    • or has recently started to work out (like the grail was found -.-) and they just simply have not yet had time to merge)), 
    • or maybe they have been trading for a long time, but they live in an apartment with their parents, drive their parent's car and eat what mom will cook. (ie. far from the real world).

What would a person trade for years 5-10 and all this time I have been earning steadily, did not have additional. income and supported the family, at the same time he lived very well – I don't know like that. And if you introduce me to the 1st – 2-me such people in Russia – you will not change my general idea of ​​the situation…

Personally, for a long time, I belonged to the category from the very last line… Ie. firstly i lived in a cheap city, secondly, I didn't have a family, which would need to be provided and no obligations at all, and all that I earned in the market – immediately spent, regardless of the amount.. And he did not spend on arranging his future life., and so.. the wind is shorter.. And when once again I spent money and got into some kind of ass – borrowed money from “daddies”)) Then ess-but gave)
The bottom line is what is shorter: I didn't fucking need a stable income.. I could sit out any drawdown, if such would appear.

Now the situation in “Nowadays”)):

  • I want to continue living in Moscow. And ess-but not alone)
  • I no longer 23.. and soon it will be like 27…
  • Morally ready for marriage with your girlfriend
  • In a couple of years, ess-but children are planned, etc.. and so on.

You need to somehow already wisely approach the organization of your life. It seems like it's time)

So what guarantees can I give my beloved about the stability and inviolability of our marriage?, if my main income – Trading?? Regardless of, how steadily I earn NOW and regardless of, HOW MUCH am I making now..
This is any investor or my LJ reader I can give a fuck, showing them even the positive results of their trading .. Let them believe in competence.. and in that, that she – guarantee. But I know that, what the past in trading absolutely does not guarantee any future results, how would you “компетентным” right now I was not.. I cannot deceive myself..

That's why, how can i say now, what will happen in the next 10 years in relation to my earnings?
I'm in 2007 I would never have believed, if I knew how much I fuck in 2008.. And in 2008 I would have laughed in the face of that, кто сказал бы мне, that 2009 will be unprofitable for me!!

That's why, we go further:
How would you like to be a trader, from 3 categories, which I have listed??.. Of course there is no perfect (and it doesn't exist, or it exists for a very short time))..
I would choose the second option.

  • Earn on the market and at the same time have additional income
  • If you look – then almost all belong to this category “stars” ru-trading.. I first, when I wrote this post, painted a whole bunch of people here in detail)) Who and what does it side-by-side.. it turned out to be a fucking volume of text.)) Поэтому я подумал – deleted it nah). All the same, everyone already knows..
    I will only say, that in the same last LPI, most authors of algorithmic systems from TOP-10 do not live only from the market (despite their results), but they work in the positions of programmers in any offices and even banks, such as Deutsche and CreditSwiss..

    When choosing some additional stable income, I have only one factor, который надо учитывать:
    – I am a trader.. this is my life's work and I will always trade. I have to trade, because I can’t otherwise. And I want to trade. Therefore, whatever the side business – it shouldn't interfere with my trading…

    The other day I was offered a job in Moscow… I cannot reveal the nuances – but this is one of the brokers.. and not yet known to anyone. The office is very serious.. and will start soon… I will not go into details, but in Russia at the moment there are no analogues and competitors for it. (if everything goes like this, how is it planned right now).

    I of course, immediately refused at first… I'm a trader, ёбанаврот.. Fuck me some work? But this once again made me think about what I already wrote above.…
    После чего, I look at it differently..

    My functions will come down to customer acquisition + conducting any educational work..
    From every client – % his commission, from learning – very decent salary. The main income is ess-no % from client commission…
    Specific numbers are prohibited., but the offer is really very profitable. ЧЕМ?

    • Work related to the market near-market. Ie. I stay in my environment… like a fish in water karoch)
    • I will be able to trade from their trading room every day
    • I will have an extra backup, стабильный, scalable income.

    About the price of the issue:
    You take a calculator and calculate, что будет если

    • receive by 3$ commission, for example, from each lot
    • client trades at least 2-3 lot
    • on 2-3 transactions per day
    • and the client is not alone, and there are at least 300 of them…

    то поймете, this thousands of dollars of passive risk-free and stable profit per day…

    There is enough karoch for a doshirak..

    What is my calculation?
    I sign an agreement with a broker, in which I can when registering new clients – set them a commission. Let's say the broker has N commission, and I can do N + 1.
    “+1” – I will be able to take a client from each transaction.. Broker будет получать свой стандартный N.

    What can I offer the client, for his additional expenses?? Any kind of advice and support during the entire period of his trade.. Ie. it will be a man, who can call me at any time or write to the chat or come to the Trading room and talk about how to trade, and about the current market situation.. Can get an estimate of its trading position, get practical advice, etc.. and so on. If anyone wants – will be able to personally observe my trading in real time.. even with an explanation of my trading decisions. I will sit there myself and personally trade.. I am not going to hide my trading from anyone.. The client needs to know, who advises him.. IMHO..

      I have a powerful asset – this is the experience and understanding of the market. Analyzing my views on the market, no one will argue that I have a fairly adequate view of the current situation… I will not be able to protect newcomers from losses (it is senselessly impossible anyway), but to say that they are at least against the market, bitches,  did not trade on each specific day and in general – that's no problem. Ie. for a person, who came to the market – it seems mega-fucking.
    Yes, a person should trade according to his system and not listen to anyone – that's all true.. but what to do when there is no own system and you are just starting?
    By the way, all my analytics from [info]my_trade1 may move to a closed company resource… current for klientoff..

    For comparison: I opened an account for the first time in the West with the OEC sub-broker.. Yes, paid instead 3-4$ per circle from each lot 6-7 $… Overpaid almost 100%!! BUT! I had Russian-speaking support and desk.. Without spoken English, I could consult at any time, which he did, but almost every day.. There were enough questions ..
    Yes, 3$ from every deal – it seems to be fucking bad.. But for me at that moment it was a trifle, when compared with that, what did I get for it..
    I could even write a text message to the type in the desk, like close all tries or move orders and within a minute everything would be done..
    I remember how they almost fucking gave me wheat)) I didn't know, what wheat – delivery contracts, unlike oil)) And if they hadn't explained to me in time…… okay in general) This is another story)

    Why not open Your sub-broker to any major existing broker??
    Well, first of all, take it for me.. as an organizational, and technical… I'm not interested in doing this..
    And this is my logic: those brokers, what is now in Russia is pretty oversaturated.. and very competitive with each other.. Ie. for example, everyone who wanted to open at Otkrytie or IT Invest – have already opened) If someone at the Opening, it will be difficult for me to drag it to IT Invest.. because. the client needs to feel the fundamental difference..

    In the same office, where will i be – there will be a completely different type of clientele.. and the starting stream will be very powerful ..

    All questions about the broker will be deleted, because there will be a separate post on it.. And right now, I still cannot fully answer everything.. Who, what, Where is, when… what the fuck…. etc. and so on.
    So only the idea itself is discussed here so far..

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