Lizard consciousness

Hello, friends!

I have many shortcomings, which I personally don't like, which bring a lot of inconvenience in communicating with others, and in the self-perception of one's personality. I try to fight some flaws. Studying psychology, читаю Books о лидерстве, motivation, explore different points of view on behavior and set up experiments.

I got the following impression of myself, which may find some confirmation in your experience.

Sometimes you start to rule yourself — everything is going well, notice progress, overcome difficulties. Then a stupor, literally bumped into a wall. Pounding pounding — to no avail. If we draw an analogy, I am as an archaeologist, who is trying to dig something in the rock in the hope of, that some artifact is hidden under the thickness of the earth.

And so I hammer, breed succumbs, pieces of stone fall off, sand is pouring, i'm moving on by the flop! I do not rest against something completely indestructible and unyielding. I take a chisel, brush and clean around a little more, to clear even a small piece of this artifact and see part of it.

Then I go from the other side and everything repeats.

More and more…

And now the image of this artifact is outlined.

Such a feeling, that a person is not a very intelligent and self-controlling being, but some chaotic structure, based on a generally unchangeable system of instincts and reactions. For example, in myself, I see a certain lizard, who reacts only to the simplest and most understandable situations: competition for female or territory, hunting instinct, чувство опасности, удовлетворение.

I can reason beautifully, think like yourself, независимо, but in fact all this is nothing more, than an illusion. As soon as situation X occurs, control is taken over by the consciousness of the Lizard. I would say so, What's on 75% my behavior — this is not the choice of Homo Sapiens Dima Stetsko, and the choice of the reptile.

  Oh yes Doll ...

I don't know., why i have this lizard. You may find a different image for yourself and your behavior. — herbivore or carnivore, poultry or fish.


I took this position for myself — do not count on the intelligence of people (however, as well as your intelligence and education). Logic, рассудок, common sense then, when we are going to chat about this and that, flashing CHU, show off. When there is no stressful situation and everyone is relaxed.

Therefore the question «what did you think», «where were your brains», «you are an adult, don't you understand» can be attributed to questions that are meaningless and do not require an answer. Suspect, that alcohol strongly affects the inclusion of the consciousness of a pangolin in humans, stress, наркотики, hunger, sexual desire, feeling of danger or fear, taste of blood, kind of violence or battle, etc..

The question still remains open: how to access this consciousness? Not NLP, don't tell my sneakers. Not psychotherapy. Non-autogenous training. I wish I could find the key. Will seek… This will give you the opportunity to actually manage your life and control some of the processes around..

А в целом — all authors of books on leadership and goal achievement, for motivation didn't really change themselves, they were just the leaders from the start, but for various reasons dormant or dormant upbringing. So when they managed to become white swans from ugly ducklings, they decided, that they found a solution to the problems for all of us, other ugly ducklings =)

I also think, how you can use your Lizard consciousness with benefit?

Let's say, aggressive people should be used in war or in competitions, there is no place for peaceful people and herbivores. On the other hand, warriors have no place in a nursing home or at charity evenings in boarding schools.…


Do not know, for 99% readers this post is about nothing at all, because few people share and understand my interests and hobbies, but nevertheless let it be as a reasoning aloud to yourself.

God bless you, at least until the next blog update Zen trading

My world
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