Over time…

… you begin to treat market losses and profits with almost the same indifference;
understand, what to trade constantly – not necessary, it is more important to follow the chosen course;
comes, that the account drawdown should not be exceeded 10%, but even a complete loss of market money, should not particularly affect the quality of life in the next year or two, you need to have reserves;
you stop looking for the Grail and take into account other people's opinions, viewing traders' blogs, with rare exceptions, becomes an entertaining reading matter;
the accuracy of your own predictions ceases to worry, more concerned with tactics and risk control;
you climb less and less with your IMHO and advice – everyone must step on their own rake the designated number of times;
you realize, what to quit work – not worth it – just reduce its volume, take that, what do you like, and enjoy it…

Ah yes!… Trading really, stupid business.

  reading on electronic trading directly to America. venues
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