Snap Interactive confused with Snapchat

Акции небольшого стартапа Snap Interactive (not to be confused with Snap, Snapchat's parent company) have more than doubled in 4 days after, how Snap filed for IPO (not to be confused with Snap Interactive). Bloomberg drew attention to the situation: probably, Snap Interactive investors, who works in the field of dating, just confused two companies.


Tweeter Home Entertainment Group Inc., ритейлер на грани банкротства, grew up on 685% in 2013 after that, как Twitter Inc. подал на IPO. Oculus VisionTech Inc. grew up on 155% after that, как Facebook Inc. анонсировал планы купить Oculus VR Inc. А на день, after the elections, Chinese company shares, которая произносится похоже на Trump Wins Big ("Trump wins big"), показали наибольший рост за пять месяцев. В то же время акции компании,which is pronounced like Aunt Hillary ("Aunt Hillary"), fell.

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