Listen less – do more

Stock exchange is a freaky place. You can earn, when everyone loses…

But at the same time, you can lose, when everyone makes money.

Newbies are often told `` thoughts with your head ''. Some people don't heed this advice., but someone still begins to think independently… Time passes, trader growing, more and more acquaintances appear. The influence on his thoughts from the surrounding traders is increasing… If you do not notice it in time and do not learn to not pay attention – can suck… It happens to many. You lose your style… 

Getting out of this state is very difficult..

How not to get into it? How to keep your own style? Who the hell knows…

Come up with yourself :) 

Main – be aware of everything, what's happening.

And even more important – do not forget, what big money can be made and, main, save only if you think with your own head.

P.S. don't forget to have a good rest… Otherwise, you will not succeed on the stock exchange… The stress and problems will just crush you.

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