The words, which enlighten the soul ...


The words, which enlighten the soul, more expensive than any jewelry.
Hazrat Inayat Khan

Different people read my blog. I once studied SEO optimization, индексирование, keywords, etc.. And tested knowledge in practice. Wrote articles, built up a trust, linked. Поставил цель — to attain 1000 unique visitors per day. And I reached her. But then I realized, what I'm not interested in, when strangers come to the blog, looking for a dollar or euro exchange rate, who are perplexed where the video chat has gone to mail, etc..

And I cleaned the blog of such junk articles, removing three quarters of them. Much less people come now, but these are people, close to me in spirit.

The most unique and dear audience to my heart — these are those, who knows me in life or on the Procapital forum, where did we start communicating in 2007 year. Maybe, that I continue to blog for these people.

And today I want to share with you a wonderful idea from Books «The artist's way» J. Cameron:

Get yourself a notebook, in which you write down all the approving reviews, the words, mentioning, comments (written and oral) about you.

The bottom line is, that we carry tons of criticism and fears in our heads. And we share the same with others. And by a ridiculous accident, no one collects gratitude in their address., kind words and good reviews.

We live in a human society, and one of the driving forces of this society is a sense of gratitude.
Veniamin A. Kaverin, "Two captains", 1938 year

I'm surprised, how I myself have not thought of such a thought before. Any kind word, in which a person sincerely expressed his admiration and gratitude, is a diamond, charged with the purest and most powerful energy of love and respect.

  Return (6.11.12)

In no way should these gifts be missed!

Gratitude brings a bountiful harvest.
Уильям Блейк, "The marriage of Heaven and Hell", 1790 year

You can write them down on a Whatman paper and hang them on the wall., can be re-read from the morning every day. The benefits are undeniable. Self-esteem rises, we begin to understand, what is our strength and what people around us like about us. We shift the focus of attention from negative energies to positive ones.. And we ourselves will more often make reciprocal gifts to our dear people..
It's so easy and that's why it's so hard.

Hope, You will make yourself such a wonderful habit and the number of good words addressed to you will only grow..

All our complaints about, what we are deprived of, stem from a lack of gratitude for, что мы имеем.
Daniel Defoe, "Robinson Crusoe", 1719 year

May God grant you health!

ps. I finished this week with the result +25%

My world
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