Skype conference passed, posting the record

so, thank you all for your interest and participation.

Not everyone was able to participate due to the time difference, but I managed to record the conversation (about 1,5 o'clock) and I lay it out for you to see.

The volume of the record turned out to be small, about 20 Mb.

Briefly — then so:

1. You can earn a lot more from a blog, than on a faceless Internet resource

2. Choose a specialization or niche for your blog, which you yourself enjoy, even if it's fishing, collecting packs of cigarettes or repairing Oka cars.

3. The amount earned does not depend on the topic, but depends on, how interesting are you blogging, regularly write articles and make friends and enemies from among the readers.

4. Make money on a blog — variable and unpredictable value. Flaunt your abilities, offer them to readers.

5. During the development of your blog, you may be switched to a new topic. — do not be alarmed, look for yourself.

6. The foundation of your success — an original view of familiar things or knowledge of the topic, which blog is about

7. Do not be sprayed with attracting visitors at the initial stage, while the resource is still young and there is no original content.

8. Perfect, when people tell their friends about you — word of mouth.

9. Post regularly, 1-3 fasting per week

10. Post ratio: about 50% — by blog topic, 25% — some gossip, scandals, интересное, In general, offtopic, And 25% — personal experiences and emotions, which allow you to better understand, who is this blog author.

11. Do not be afraid of criticism. At first I cringed from the attacks, and then nothing, I even like it.

12. If you think about money and income, forgetting about pleasure and inspiration, then run out of breath and fall out of the race. You should also not take on any heightened obligations to your readers., which you will not be able to accomplish, it will undermine trust and self-esteem.


13. Obviously you are not going there, if you have to overpower yourself and squeeze out artificial posts «ниочем».

14. Don't worry about design in the first step.

15. Gradually learn search engine optimization, use internal linking, selection of keywords. Read Books Ашманова. On blogs, There is a ton of information dedicated to SEO on these topics.

16. Use social networks for promotion, only if you already have a boosted account, save your strength. Otherwise, simply overwork yourself..

17. For a blog, you can use the monetization methods standard for all resources — banners, YandexDirect and GoogleAdsense ad units, partnership programs. But it is the monetization of your knowledge and abilities that will bring much more.. Make them stand out, talk about them, develop them (Knowledge of foreign languages, ability to write articles, web promotion, qualifications in some professions or life experience)

18. Better to blog about travel, if you have a propeller in your butt and you walked around half the ground, how to push and develop a resource about forex, because you saw, how Dima Stetsko makes good money on it.

19. Read other people's blogs, on your topic and not only. Celebrate, what attracts you and what repels you.

20. Don't offend your readers, don't take an example from me. Take care of them, for each of them, even if you are not pleasant, will lead to you maybe the same advertiser or client, who was looking for such a person, How are you.

21. Ideally, a club of like-minded people should be created around you.

22. If you are tired of your topic, add a new blog section, start writing and posts on it, let the readers know about your wish, они поймут.

23. Don't try to please everyone and everything. Keep a reasonable line.

  Forecast is not forecast, and yes, постебаться...

24. I prefer WordPress blogs on standalone hosting with a separate domain. I do not like any kind of blogs on LJ, Blogger etc. Although for a start, you can try to create your blog there., and after, if everything goes well — make a separate and independent blog — transferring your readers there. In this case, you do not spend money on hosting or domain at all., even if these costs are scanty and amount to no more 100 ye per year.

25. It's better to start a blog, when you have wholeness. If you are looking for, pins you back and forth — what will you write to people about? Vys will be sausage and people will not come, I say this from my own experience. But when you know, кто вы, what are you and where the world is heading — then the people will catch up. People like to listen to clever speeches.

26. Be positive, people already have enough worries, to read depressive posts on the net (although I allow myself to break many of these rules, but this is purely for the reason, that this is how I explore myself and the world around me, his reactions and do not aim to conquer cyberspace).

And here is the promised entry, the sound is quiet, since the time was late, don't blame me.

Download Conference Recording

I am sure, by starting a blog you will develop, you will get stronger and you will think more broadly. Almost like me =)


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