Forex signals from Dmitry Stetsko

Hello, friends!

Now there are a lot of services for sending free forex signals, but according to reviews — this is complete mess. Then they don't come, they come late, then there are too many or too few, then there are no stops, then only profitable ones, and unprofitable ones sit out. All in all, mess.

And then I announce the recruitment of a group of people who want to receive trade forex signals на свои мобильные телефоны.

Delivery will be carried out via either skype or viber (everything is available for free) на ваши мобильные телефоны. Fortunately, now it's not a problem to install these applications on Android or iOS.

В день — 1 trade recommendation, about 18-19 hours Moscow time (days without trade transactions are allowed, for example before the weekend on Friday).

Правильные forex signals

My position regarding, what should be the right forex signals:

-I do not think, that positions should be held for a long time. Optimally — to 3 hours. All that is from above — loads the brain and distracts from daily affairs.

-Trailing stop required.

-There shouldn't be many deals, if the goal — not entertainment, and capital growth.

-It is better to trade one instrument and one position at a time..

There will be a weekly report on transactions.

Recommended MM

Recommended 1 whole work lot for 10 000 you deposit.

Stop will be within 20-40 пп. That is, we will focus on 3-7% arrived per week. We will grow deposits together, but not so overly aggressive and risky, as I did earlier =)

Example 1 – from $75 — $8500

Example 2 — from $500- $130 000

Example 3 — from $200 — $14000

Example 4 – intradej Trading

Why exactly my forex signals?

The plus of my proposal is, что Вы

  SPX daily

1. trade with your broker (I, for my part, recommend opening ecn.mt4 account in Alpari) And

2. determine the position size yourself. Want to — more aggressive MM, want to — less.

3. no need to share profit with the manager

4. you receive a signal at about the same time, so you can prepare yourself psychologically and make time for work

5. delivery is carried out to your mobile. Comfortable!

The cost

For any trader with a deposit of at least 2-3 к долларов сумма мизерная – Total 75 yea a month.

I guarantee the possibility of a money back in a month, if something doesn't suit, but without the possibility to continue subscribing to my forex signals.

Write to contacts: my e-mail or Skype wearbo

God bless you, at least until the next blog update Zen trading


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