Streaming Day Trading trades on the NYSE, NASDAQ – live show


Live streaming of transactions on the us stock exchange. All transactions take place on real accounts within the day in the markets NYSE, NASDAQ. – live broadcast

Schedule: Weekdays 20:45 according to Moscow time

Recordings | Telegram chat | Teaching

Gaining practical experience in trading the markets is a very important moment for developing the right thinking and a profitable strategy.. At the same time, find a professional trader, ready to show your trading in real time, opportunity that is not often provided in the markets. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the opportunity to adopt trading experience directly from a successful practicing trader by watching online broadcasts of his transactions..

➤Обучение: Teaching
➤ Chat:

"Give a man a fish , and you will feed him for one day; teach a man to fish , and you will feed him for life "…

➤Научиться DAy Trading и Swing Trading
I'm looking for stocks that I expect, that will move in a predictable direction. We want, take a position at a given stop level and exit the target with a profit. Sounds just like that? In many ways it is., But there are literally thousands of different strategies for trading the market.. Everyone trader has a unique approach to trading. My goal is, to teach you my strategy. I have developed a number of profitable trading strategies for beginners. Our trading courses focus on the most fundamental aspects of successful trading.

➤Chart Patterns
After that, as you understand , risk management and the right choice of stocks, i will teach you , how to find stocks of a model on charts. These models ,based on risk and reward. We are looking for sample patterns, with well-defined areas of support and resistance. We will use the previous support levels , how are our stop – prices, or our risk, and we look at previous areas of resistance , how is our profit target, or our reward. If profit versus loss is 5: 1 we will take trade. I teach Day Trading strategies and swing trading strategies. For the trading day, we focus primarily on 5 min charts , a swing – traders focus more on daily charts. The movements are generally the same. I teach traders , how to find models in real time

  Research. Selecting stocks for trading on the NYSE

➤Trading strategies
Risk Management Learning, the right choice of stock, as well as graphic patterns is essential, but those by themselves do not create a trading strategy. The trading strategy requires detailed information about the time of day you are taking these trades, what type of stock do you want to trade, what percentage of success do you expect. All students must prove to me, what can trade profitably, only after that you can start real trading. If you can't make money on paper, you have no business , trading real account.
The most important thing for you right now, it build skills , to trade successfully on the market. You will gain skills , to consistently do $ 50,00 a day and what you need , to do $ 500 in a day.
The hardest part is learning how to consistently close the days of everything $ 50 / day. So my initial goal for my students.



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