Shenzhen stock exchange (Shenzhen Stock Exchange — SZSE)

SHENZHEN STOCK EXCHANGE — фондовая биржа в Китае, located in Shenzhen city. Is a non-profit organization managed by the PRC Securities Commission. Started work 1 December 1990 of the year, becoming the first stock exchange in the history of New China. Stocks of state-owned companies are mainly traded on the exchange..

IN 1990 году молодая Shenzhen stock exchange пережила спокойный период, hot period, dead period and fall. Two years later “stock history” sparked the most violent buying rush in the Chinese stock market.

Shenzhen stock exchange (Shenzhen Stock Exchange — SZSE) is a member of the Federation of Stock Exchanges of Asia and Oceania.

By creating a new channel for attracting investment, the Chinese leadership tried to maintain its influence on the process of placing raised funds. As a result, the company's listing procedure, constituting an IPO, strictly controlled by the state. Admission to listing on the exchange has been severely restricted for a long time – State Committee for Planning and Development, Central Bank (People's Bank of China) and the Securities Management and Control Committee (KUKCB) jointly set the annual IPO, which was part of a nationwide investment and loan plan. Then the KUKTSB distributed quotas for the IPO between the companies., pre-selected at the industry level and in the provinces. At the same time, such factors were taken into account, how to correct the imbalance between the levels of development of individual provinces and the imperfection of the sectoral structure of the productive forces.

Main Stock Index of Shenzhen Stock Exchange

SZSE Component Index (Component index) – calculated from the stock quotes of all companies on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Base value - 100 points. The calculation takes into account the daily values ​​of the prices of all shares, traded in quotation lists A and B of the exchange.

Shenzhen Stock Exchange Address:

5045 Shennan East Road, Shenzhen,
China 518010

Organization of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Definition of a stock exchange

Stock Exchange – stocks and bods market, such, like stocks and bonds, and other financial instruments. Shares provide the right to a portion of the property of the selling company, whereas bonds are evidence of loans, provided to the issuing companies or the government. Except for securities, transactions with other financial instruments are often carried out on the stock markets, for example options, that is, the right to buy or sell shares in the future at a certain price.

The stock exchange can be located or exist only in electronic form. So, for example, The New York Stock Exchange is located in a building at the intersection of Wall Street and Broad Street in Lower Manhattan., and system “Automated quotes from the National Association of Securities Dealers” (NASDAQ) exists only in electronic form.

History and development of stock exchanges

The practice of raising funds by governments and corporations by issuing securities has been known at least since the Middle Ages.. Governments often borrowed money to finance wars and various government-funded works.. Companies also felt the need for cash, sufficient for the implementation of investment projects and risky undertakings. The Dutch East India Company began raising funds by selling shares in 17 century. And, thus, can be considered the first joint stock company. Option contracts began to be used in the financial markets of London and Amsterdam in 17 century.

Investors 17 century, who purchased securities, sometimes there was a desire to sell them or exchange them for other securities. To facilitate the process of making such transactions, the organizations issuing securities, borrowing money from investors in one way or another, started issuing certificates, that could be sold to other investors. By the end 17 century issue of certificates, certifying the ownership of financial capital, became common practice. The increase in the volume of trade in such certificates led to the emergence of special places and rules for concluding transactions, which later became known as stock exchanges.

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