Lenin's hut

Today I took a bike ride to Lenin's hut, where he was hiding from the persecution of the tsarist regime, beyond Lake Razliv.

From Tarkhovka station, there are two flat paved bike paths on both sides of the main road to the hut.

This is Lake Spill, along which the road to Lenin's hut runs

here you go, almost drove up to the hut, as indicated by the pointer

Lenin ate in this restaurant when he lived in a hut., since there are no other catering establishments nearby

This is an inscription in the international language, as foreigners come here sometimes, do not know the Russian language

And here is the hut itself. Pretty cozy. He, just in case, for security, fenced with a fence with sharp spikes at the top, since Lenin sometimes went hungry and could pounce on visitors and sightseers.

And this is Lenin's head, installed not far from the hut

Selfie with Lenin's head

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