
I am very happy, what 90% those present at my seminar leave positive feedback. It gives me a feeling of some kind of return and a pleasant feeling from that, that you are of some benefit.. Or, as a last resort, you create such conditions, in which people do not regret, that you came to meet me.

But the post I would like to write is not about that. And about negative reviews, of which there are very few, but still they became noticeable to me.
Noticeable to those, that the reasons for negative reviews are all over, anything, but not in that material, which I specifically gave))))

Ie. half of the speakers, that my seminar has never been shit at all. And those that were – none of them can say specifically, what exactly in my seminar can lead to a loss. What exactly of that, what was i talking about – does not work. Timing.. by volume, by formations. I would even say thank you, people, criticizing something, what am i talking about at meetings, if they really showed me that, what am i wrong. I would immediately reconsider my opinion and outlook on the market. But I can't read this from anyone…

Take T. Martynova. He disappointed me cheto..
on Saturday (at the seminar), although on friday we fucking talked with him over a hookah, when he took from me “interview”.
– sat out 60% seminars, and if you count with the answers to the questions, which more fully reveal the essence of my material, then probably everything 50%
– Considering, what are the first 25% time I have a common part( for noobs, Then 75% time for a master class), has nothing to do with the specifics of my trade, then
it turns out, what he only heard 25% from that, what is my vision of the market. But only heard(and that's not a fact), and saw no more 10%, because defiantly SPAL and did not look at that, what i drew on the tablet. I observed this personally during the seminar. Then he generally dumped somewhere…
– That's why, based on the fact, that all factors, which I talked about throughout the workshop (time, price, volume) are interconnected and their overall combination constitutes my vision of the market – you can safely make an objective conclusion that, what Timofey could understand about my trade “a little less, than nothing”.
– But this did not stop him from writing a post in his LJ, about that, that my seminar is shit. And tell me, that he didn't write that))

  UBS on the steel market

But maybe Timofey is too smart.. smarter than I could have imagined and he had enough of a small part of what he heard, to make such a verdict. So when we came to Tinkoff, I decided to ask him, what exactly is wrong in my material. Where exactly is the error. After all, if he tells me then, what doesn't really work, and I use it – it will only be good for me.
– But, I once again did not hear anything concrete. The only main thought, which I extracted from his words, this is what, that I have a bunch of factors (or facts?), which I take into account… but you don't need to take them into account. Because superfluous – takes away from the point.
– OK. Then I asked him, what factors does he use. And I heard the answer: Price and time(and then occasionally, mostly just the price).
– Given that, that I took into account the price, time and meal (ie. on 1 factor more) – it becomes unclear where is sobno that a bunch of things, which Timofey speaks about))) I did not receive a really specific answer. anyway.
– Then, I asked him: Timofey, it turns out that for you “volumes” – this is an unnecessary market factor, which takes you away from the point (what is happening on the market and its structure).
– Timofey answered: Yes.

Thereafter, I finished our conversation about the market, because i felt, something like a sense of danger and I had some kind of inner subconscious prohibition on accepting that information, which may come from this source in the future.

But, I will not unwind this negative spiral and I will not publish that dirt on you, which Phoenix and I discovered)))) And, in our case, just grounded)))) Hihyhy)

  Billionaire 2011-03-10 16:58:27

All in all… I am for peace))
I wish everyone happiness and success.


From the comments:
“You just need to compare how much Timofey earned, how much is Lyokha.
The output will be generated automatically.
Who, what and how it uses, this is the tenth thing.”

at Timofey 1 (or 1.5?) profitable year of 6 unprofitable!!! Because. is he 7 years on the market. It's like a fact. He himself can confirm it.
Now contrast this with my trade. I am only 3 years on the market, and c 2008 managed to earn several current deposits of Timofey..
And right now I'm making money too, look into my LJ trades occasionally


By the way, since Timofey himself voiced the topic of incriminating evidence, then I would like to clarify. The compromising material was not about, what am I (and far from alone) don't believe in that, what March publishes fictitious information about its trade and when Phoenix and I asked for a state at least for the last month – he refused to show it under any pretext. Compromising is not in this. And that's,  how obvious was the reaction of the person. I saw such a frightened and insecure Timofey for the first time in our entire time of acquaintance))) Fuck, I'm an NLP practitioner.. I can read everything on my face perfectly)))

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