Workshop A. Gerchik – & quot; Technologies for efficient trading on the NYSE" (Kyiv, 2008)

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Day 1-1. Introduction. Fundamentals of US Finance. Stock Markets Operation

Day 1-2. Introduction. Fundamentals of US Finance. Stock Markets Operation

Day 2-1. Orders. Specialist work NYSE. Trader tools

Day 2-2. Orders. The work of a NYSE specialist. Trader tools

Day 3-1. Analysis of information

Day 3-2. Analysis of information

Day 4-1. Graphs. Fundamentals of technical analysis

Day 4-2. Graphs. Fundamentals of technical analysis

Day 5-1. Practice: viewing charts and searching for formations

Day 5-2. Practice: viewing charts and searching for formations

Day 6-1. Selecting and executing a trade. Practice: viewing charts and searching for formations

Day 6-2. Selecting and executing a trade. Practice: viewing charts and searching for formations

Day 7-1. Preparing for the work day

Day 7-2. Preparing for the work day

Day 8-1. Trading styles. Practice: trading stocks from homework

Day 8-2. Trading styles. Practice: trading stocks from homework

Day 9. Conclusion

  жидомасоны, armageddon and guculy
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