The secret of success from a person, whose condition was assessed in 310 billion dollars

This man is richer than Bill Gates and Warren Buffett combined.. And he started, being a poor Scottish immigrant. An interview with him is the dream of many. That's just bad luck - he died 96 years ago. How Andrew Carnegie, human, owning the largest steel empire in the world, was able to create it from scratch, without start-up capital, opportunities and connections, and become so rich man?

The author of the article spent hundreds of hours, exploring the secrets to Carnegie's success and is now ready to share 5 the most important lessons from this person.

Get out of the shadows

One afternoon a young man walked into Carnegie's office, to interview him and ask about success. Carnegie could tell a young man about his journey from poverty to wealth and his tumultuous business relationship with John Rockefeller. But instead, Carnegie told something different..

Carnegie said, that the most important thing in his life was his "the ability to forget about problems and smile at life». He said, that the talent of looking at life through the prism of optimism was more important to him than millions of dollars.

“Young people should know, that this ability can be developed ", - said Carnegie. "Mind, like body, can be moved from shadow to light ".

This is true in business too.. Free from the yoke of negative perceptions of life, Carnegie knew how to keep his attention on the good, recover quickly from past setbacks and find opportunities there, where others could not.

Ask yourself a question: Возникают ли у вас иногда пессимистические мысли, does negative self-talk happen? Are you missing out on opportunities just because, that you let your mind go into the "shadow"? How much would your business grow?, if you attached a leaflet above the desktop with the inscription: "Move your mind into the light"?

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Ask him to leave 10 thousand

Carnegie and J.P.. Morgan were business partners for a while. One day Morgan wanted to buy out Carnegie's share and asked, how much he wants for her.

Carnegie replied, that his shares are worth $50,000, but apart from that he wants $10,000 above, therefore the amount, total, is $60,000. Morgan agreed to these terms. But the next morning Carnegie got a call.
“Mr. Carnegie, You are mistaken", - said Morgan. “You are selling your shares at $10,000 cheaper, than indicated in the documents ". Morgan found out, what Carnegie's share was actually worth $60,000, and with additional $10,000 the amount should have been already 70,000$. In this way, Morgan sent Carnegie a check for $70,000.

Carnegie replied, that Morgan can leave these $10,000 - this amount today, adjusted for inflation, is $130,000. Morgan answered: "No thanks. I can not do it".

Pondering this story, Carnegie later wrote: "Big business is based on maximum honesty". He learned from Morgan, what better to lose money in the short term, than a long-term reputation.

Think about it well: Все ли вы делаете для того, so that the reputation of your business takes precedence over immediate profits?

Follow the nine-tenth rule

This story changed the whole course of Carnegie's life.. She's about an old man, whose life was full of tragic events. The people in the city felt sorry for him, but the old man answered: "Yes, my friends, all, What are you saying, right. I have lived a long life, full of hardships. But there is one curious fact - nine-tenths of my troubles actually did not happen ".

Carnegie learned from that story, that most of the problems and doubts, which worries us, doesn't really exist. Our brains have a tendency to imagine worse options and act accordingly - but, in fact, most of the fictionalized negative scenarios never materialize. But even if it happens., things don't really turn out that bad, as it seemed.

Reminding myself of the "nine-tenth rule", Carnegie freed himself from fear of the unknown and was able to take risks, necessary to achieve significant success.

Be honest with yourself: Попадаете ли вы во власть сомнений? Your life would be better, if you followed the nine-tenth rule and reminded yourself, what most problems are imaginary? Are you ready to start living by this rule right now??

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Catch the "Flash of Lightning"

When Carnegie was interviewed for his first job, the interviewer asked him, how soon can he start. Most people take weeks to start a new job.. What Carnegie answered? "I can start right now".

"It would be a big mistake to miss this opportunity.", Carnegie wrote. “The position was offered to me, but anything could happen, could hire anyone else. I preferred to offer to stay and start working immediately ".
Carnegie didn't think too long. He preferred to act quickly and risk something less significant., rather than procrastinate, And risk losing the opportunity entirely.

This rule worked in the opposite order.. When Carnegie realized, that the company, which shares he owns, he is no longer interested, he immediately invited his partner to sell all their shares. Partner replied, that in his opinion there is no need to rush, what Carnegie said: «Сделай это немедленно Это стало правильным решением, since the company soon went bankrupt.

Certainly, it is very important to study the facts, but if you have a real opportunity, don't risk letting her go. As Carnegie would say: catch a flash of lightning.

How many, in your opinion, you missed out on opportunities simply because, that didn't react quickly enough? Are you ready to take action, like Carnegie, and say: "I can start right now"?

Find motivation at "$ 2.50"

At the dawn of his career, Carnegie received an award in the amount of $2.50. He gave this money to his parents, in order to thereby support the family. Later he said: “No subsequent victory and recognition excited me more., than this ..., then I felt like in heaven ".

From that moment on, Carnegie understood, what wants to become rich. But not for myself. He dreamed of money for his parents, so they can live a decent life.
Once Carnegie found extrinsic motivation, his enthusiasm and efficiency began to experience an incredible rise. The fact, that he did not have sufficient incentive to help himself, but there was motivation to do everything for someone else.
That's why, do you do it for parents, children or to help people, who do not even know your name - there must always be a stimulus in their minds, able to help cope with inevitable difficulties on the path to success.

Do you have someone, who would be the “$ 2.50” motivation? The one, for whom will you do all that, what you wouldn't do for yourself? If you are not sure yet, Think about it. And if you know exactly the answer to this question, then there is another: how to keep this motivation in your head all the time?

Andrew Carnegie is an example of this, what, if you work hard, bring thoughts out of the shadows, Risk, act quickly and take care of your reputation as an honest person - you can achieve anything in the world.

But what is the most incredible? Carnegie is just one among many, who have worked their way from poverty to tremendous success and wealth.

Author of the translation - Vyacheslav Davidenko, основатель компании MBA Consult.

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