Arnold's Secret

Read an interview with bodybuilder Tom Platz and one moment
really wanted to publish in my LJ.

Think, it will be interesting to you too.

Tom was asked a question about, what does he think of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
His answer was as follows:

“Arnold's secret is, that he never played roulette with himself: попробую, maybe it will work out. Any business he planned, as a commander the battle. First – it is correct to assess the enemy. Second – place your forces correctly. Well, then it remains to mobilize the will and attack. The outcome of the battle will depend only on your fortitude, and this is the main prerequisite for victory. By the way, I've never seen, for Arnold to gamble. He did not like to depend on blind circumstances for anything.”


  trading on the NYSE & NASDAQ 2010-10-01 20:53:34
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