Sentiment for today.

Sentiment for sale is still weak, but starts to ripen — happy news from Maltsev after a long silence, frank and unambiguous as always.

Валерий Mальцев:

Yesterday and today I bought Russian stocks. I will keep them until the past highs kill. I will buy American stocks today, because I think, that now the shopping zone has come. Also on the dismantled futures account I will buy some futures with the calculation of growth… I'm going to buy.

Others are more careful so far. — joking, but every joke has some sentiment:


opanki)) as it turns out everything happened quickly!!!)))
now tarry on fsyoyoyo!!!!!!!!))))))))))))

The bottom of the crisis has been passed! :)

But there is no consensus yet:


…maybe this is the whole bounce that was expected…

Therefore, the situation is ambiguous., but with a preponderance for short, since Valery Maltsev will not buy in vain :)

  It is easy to beat the Russian index
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