Wall Street's most influential people

Internet publishing SmartMoney.com published its ranking of the most influential people in the United States in various fields of activity (Government, Finance, Medicine, Industry, The property). Us, of course, interested in the section Finance, which we'll talk about. Below is a list of the most influential people on and around Wall Street.. Of people, determining the life of exchanges and investors' income. We should at least in general outline, what they are, what issues they are concerned about and what they propose to change.

Lloyd Blankfein (Lloyd Blankfein), CEO, Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs – one of those finance companies, that survived the Wall Street crisis and became stronger because of it. 55-year old former tax lawyer Blankfein was the first of all investment company heads to return the money taken from the government during the crisis ($10 billion). This allowed Goldman Sachs to get rid of excess state control., including for salaries and bonuses of employees. At all, Blankfein's main task now was not to make a profit (the company does it very well), and fighting off state attacks on the independence of financial corporations. About that, how the Goldmanite Sect works, I wrote once.

Warren Buffett (Warren Buffett), CEO, Berkshire Hathaway

Not all of his investments during the crisis were successful, but $5 billion, invested in stabilizing Goldman Sachs, made him a winner. As a result, Berkshire shares rally after falling. Buffett says that, what he thinks and is never afraid to speak out on any issues, including topical political, what has earned the respect of investors around the world.

Джеймс Даймон (James Dimon), Chairman and CEO, JPMorgan Chase

Despite the financial crisis, James Dimon remained at the helm of the largest and, perhaps, the strongest bank in the country. This gives him a lot of influence., when the government is considering various plans to support the financial system. He considers, that administration and banks should work together, to prevent another similar crisis. At the same time, he fears, that bureaucrats can overdo restrictions on derivatives. And his clients need them to hedge risks. Besides, According to him, “If innovation is suppressed in America, then financial flows will simply go to other countries ".

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Ларри Финк (Larry Fink), CEO, BlackRock

56-the year-old son of a shoe store owner was one of the earliest traders on Wall Street, traded in mortgage derivatives. Not surprising, that Washington invited BlackRock to manage toxic assets of Bear Stearns and American International Group, and also offered him to participate in the program for the revival of the real estate market. These days Larry Fink acts alternately in the role of an adviser to the government., then as a buyer of those assets, on which he gives advice. In June, his company became the largest financial manager in the world with assets $3,1 trillion, buying giant exchange-traded funds Barclays Global Investors. But he doesn't stop there, going to grow quickly and further.

Йи Ганг (Yi Gang), Administrator, State Administration of Foreign Exchange; Deputy Governor, People’s Bank of China

He participates in the management of the China Trillion Fund, holding US government bonds. Yi Gang holds a Ph.D. in Economics, from the University of Illinois, he was professor of economics at Indiana University. Then he returned to China. Now his country makes it clear, that appetite for American debt may be limited. While getting rid of government bonds quickly would be detrimental to both countries, China has already begun to diversify its investments.

Билл Гросс, (Bill Gross), Managing Director, Pimco

When investors remembered bond yields, Pimco's Total Return Fund Appeals Again Amid Falling Equity Funds. Gross himself advises the government: "Keep spending". According to him, despite, that the deficit has reached astronomical levels, the current market rally may turn out to be a "dead cat leap", unless the government keeps spending or increases it. Forget about a balanced budget, – says Bill Gross.

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Нуриель Рубини, (Nouriel Roubini), Economics Professor, New York University

This economics professor became famous after, as predicted the beginning of the crisis and constantly remained an "ultra-bear" in market forecasting. Now he is one of the most demanded experts, predicting the future of the economy. His current celebrity status has led to, that he speaks to various audiences for $30 thousand. per lecture. Несмотря на некоторые признаки оживления, Rubini doesn't see the bottom of the recession until December 2009 of the year. Да и после этого, according to his forecasts, America will face a long and painful recovery. He also warns, that the government's monetary policy will lead to a new recession in the economy or an increase in inflation in 2011 year.

Mary Shapiro (Mary Schapiro), Chairman, Security and Exchange Commission

Head of the institution, dedicated to protecting the rights of investors and maintaining an orderly market, is fighting a war on two fronts. On the one side, Obama Administration Threatens to Cut SEC's Investor Protection Authority, since the Commission did not notice the Madoff pyramid scheme. On the other hand, a tougher stance towards brokerage companies can worsen the state of affairs in the economy. 400 SEC employees annually receive 1,5 million complaints, what, certainly, makes the Commission's work challenging. But Shapiro needs to convince Congress and the White House, that her department is able to cope with this load, otherwise, many of the powers of the SEC may be transferred to other government agencies.

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