Why the fuck should I be friends with them?

Original taken from customs13 in Why the fuck should I be friends with them?

Original taken from wrlfck in Why the fuck should I be friends with them?

Original taken from sokol51 in Why the fuck should I be friends with them??

Original taken from top_lap in Why the fuck should I be friends with them??

      Continuing this shit:
«According to the idea of ​​the representatives of the OP in the country, centers should appear in the near future., consisting of schools, аптек, hairdressing salons and first-aid posts for visiting workers. It is planned to provide migrants with a wide range of services for adaptation in their new country»

      "Наше" the state opens up new shit:
«A new portal of friendship of peoples appeared in Russia. It is called `` Russia for all" and will unite sites in different languages ​​of the peoples of Russia and the CIS countries. The ideological inspirer of its creation was the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media»

      I vaguely understand, why do citizens of Russia pay for all this work for citizens of other countries for their money?. I emphasize: OTHER COUNTRIES! Not so far away 91 th year, all the republics of the former USSR sent us to fuck. Separated all, even brotherly Ukraine and Belarus shouted: «Stop feeding drunken Russian pigs». I will keep silent about the republics of Asia and the Caucasus, there they stoned and killed anyone, who had a Slavic appearance.
      The Russian authorities left their fellow believers and brothers to die in OTHER countries. There they took away their property, kicked out into the street, and when they came and come to Russia, then they became and are not Russian, and by citizens of foreign states, which equate to gaster
      Until now, our country has not developed a program for the return of the original Russian population to the country.. Until now, not a penny has been allocated for the provision of housing, work, social adaptation of Russians, but for all sorts of crap like portals for gaster, we always have money and desire, or rather not with us, and this bastard power. What's the comeback program?, there is still no normal program for employment and resettlement from dilapidated housing for Russian citizens. Native people: Moscow, Питера, Yekaterinburg, Тулы, Tver, yes, almost all Russian cities, forced to live in small-sized khrushchebs, while newcomers enjoy new buildings. Which, yet again, built on our money.
      Russia shouldn't be for everyone. We have already turned a separate city taken: Москву, in mini USSR. It turns out a very interesting picture., sending us to fuck, and shooting us in the back several times, all these fighters against the USSR and Russia have pinned themselves here. But they didn't just stick, and they also download the rights. They demand equality,more mosques and other goodies. Tatar, чеченцам, Dagestanis, all Muslims of Russia had enough mosques, with the arrival of the Gaster, there were not enough of them. For whom it is not enough? For Tatars? There was always enough for them in Moscow. Then for whom? – For citizens of OTHER countries. AND these are their problems, they have their own countries and cities, they can build up the entire territory with mosques there.
      I'm not going to put up and live in a country for everyone, I don’t need this. The country should be for indigenous people, for citizens, for taxpayers. When the government asks whether, that the state should open up the borders and create conditions for OTHER citizens, means, this government is not Russian, and Uzbek, Tajik or Azerbaijani. I don't want to be friends with them, because they and their ancestors betrayed millions half a century ago, those like me, and sent to fuck, setting boundaries. We have a self-sufficient country and I see no reason to flirt with «dwarfs». Какой толк, for example in Uzbekistan, if tomorrow, for example, NATO will launch an attack on Russia through its territory? Yes, not any, they will pass it in less than a couple of hours. It is thanks to such «друзьям» how the former Soviet republics we found ourselves in a tight ring, «друзьям», who easily passed us for a pack of gum and porn films.
So sit better in your own countries, in their «oases of purity» from «Russian pigs». You are free and independent, do you have flags, hymns, and most importantly, you do not have us «плохих» Russians, which do you think: Fascists, коммунистами, drunkards, жуликами, and lazy. So we want to live like you, so that we would never have such «friends» How are you. Which in an amicable way should be hung by a dick and taken to the museum.

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