Market prices

Non-exchange, but marketable..

I have, like a stock trader, a question arose recently for the real traders.. Ie. to store owners, торгующих дорогими\эксклюзивными штуками..

So I somehow accidentally looked into a completely insane furniture salon.. in which I fell in love with one chair worth 360 000р.. It was it that made me go to that department.. I noticed it through the windows .. Then I looked around: mirror 450 000р.. some trinkets on 300, 400, 500 тыщ)
And this is what I thought: these are all not effective market prices.. Anything costs exactly that much, how much they are willing to pay for it .. But this is all just someone's offera.. and not even someone's, and the owner of the salon, who wants to sell an item for this price, because only at this price his business will be profitable.. or something else .. But.. and dance then where?? After all, it is they who finally form the price or at least the market spread.…
To find out how much a thing costs, it's not enough to set a price on it, after all, it is necessary that she would also be in demand.
For example, for example, I am mentally ready to buy a chair at this price, but for the mirror that hangs above it more than 50k I would never give it .. (and this is ~ 10 times less)

And here's what I thought after all this. Почему в реальной торговле не используют опыт биржевых\аукционных торгов? Why would I, without going to any thing in the store, do not set your we? Imagine, that in stores on each price tag there will be some kind of electronic gadgets, into which you can drive your price and leave your, say, phone number?  В гастрономах это конечно anecdote))), but in the above-described establishments it is very even .. This is beneficial not only for the buyer, but also for the seller.. which if necessary (the salon closes or the money is needed or the collection is out of date or who knows what) will always be able to throw off his goods by bids. Or let's say the situation is like this: the thing is worth 5 000 000 and it is not for sale. But there is already 20 buyers for 4 000 000.. It may make economic sense to throw off a cheaper product, but in a larger volume .. And if I were a seller, I would not trade things with a large spread, because. it is essentially illiquid.

  By Master the Markets

It is also beneficial for the seller, because the buyer, putting your bid will return to the salon for more, see how there is his application.. can front-run?))) хыхыхых)

I think, real trade would be revived with this approach.. And for manufacturers of such gadgets too – for imagine what demand for them will arise..

Why has not such an idea taken root or launched anywhere in the world??

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