Well, we waited for the trend movement in the RTS index futures. Congratulations to the trendsetters – insiders!. Well, I, as everyone probably already guessed, this long-awaited supertrade slept safely, since the call was supposed to be at the first hour candle before 11 hours of the morning. And it came true, what I have always warned fans of trend systems about (with the number of small losing trades, there are much more rare large profitable ones) — you will always take losses, but a rare profitable trade, which will cover all minor losses, most likely to be missed for some reason.
The picture shows the equity of the system from the moment when I started playing on the RTS futures. It is seen, that today the system was supposed to cover all previous losses and come out in plus:

All in all, need to tie up with this scalping on the clock :)

  Day trading for 5 April
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