Russian and foreign companies with a capitalization of a trillion

Russian and foreign companies with a capitalization of a trillion

Market capitalization of the company, or the total price of all securities of the issuer, coupled with other multipliers helps financiers find undervalued stocks or, against, identify bloated blisters. Now let's look at companies, whose capitalization exceeds one trillion rubles (Russian companies, whose shares are listed on the MICEX) or a trillion dollars (foreign issuers, securities of which are listed on foreign exchanges).

Organizations from Russia

IN 2019 G. we already talked about the club of Russian trillionaires, then it included nine issuers. If you evaluate the market capitalization of companies, which are included in the Moscow Exchange Index on 18 February 2021 G., it is more expensive 1 trillion rub. follow-up companies:

  • PAO Gazprom,
  • PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel,
  • PAO Lukoil,
  • PAO «NLMK»,
  • PJSC "Pole",
  • PJSC NK Rosneft,
  • PJSC "Savings Bank",
  • PJSC Severstal,
  • PAO Surgutneftegaz,
  • PJSC Tatneft,
  • Yandex.

"Pole", Severstal and Yandex in the trillionaire club in 2019 G. were not included. Two years ago, the Polyus cost 685 billion rubles., Severstal - 875 billion rubles., Yandex — 766 billion rubles. The latter has the market price of the shares, who go to the MICEX, reflects only part of the company's price. Because not all types of securities are available for purchase - only Class A shares. Yandex's price is higher, as indicated by capitalization on the Moscow Exchange.

Let's take a look, how the capitalization of trillionaires has changed in two years. If you order the companies from the list by price, then in 2019 G. top 3 by market capitalization were "Savings Bank", Rosneft and Lukoil. With all this, the price of the company decreases smoothly from the leader to the lagging one., without visible gaps.

Rice. 1. Market capitalization as of the end of April 2019 G. Rice. 1. Market capitalization as of the end of April 2019 G.

  Russian and foreign companies with a capitalization of one trillion

In February 2021 G. the top three have changed. But the most expensive company on the Russian securities market is Sberbank..

Rice. 2. Market capitalization as of February 2021 G. Rice. 2. Market capitalization as of February 2021 G.

2-the second and third places with similar capitalization are shared by Rosneft (5,375 RUB trillion) and Gazprom (5,368 RUB trillion) Lukoil (3,941 RUB trillion) is in sixth place, yielding to Norilsk Nickel (4,169 RUB trillion) and NOVATEK (4,103 RUB trillion). Seventh place from sixth is separated by a chasm of more than 2 trillion rub.

Foreign companies

Let's move on to foreign issuers. According to website, in the world of everything 5 companies are worth over one trillion dollars.

Rice. 3. Companies, over one trillion rubles. A source: https://companiesmarketcap.comRys. 3. Companies, over one trillion rubles. A source:

Foreign trillionaires - Apple, Microsoft, Гугл And Amazon - do not need introduction, and their shares can be purchased on the MICEX.

Saudi Aramco, oil and gas sector representative, indicated less often. The company's revenue in 2019 G. amounted to 295 billions of dollars., spotless profit - 88 billions dollars. To compare, Rosneft's revenue in 2019 G. in dollars at the rate of 31.12.2019 G. — 140 billions of dollars., spotless profit - 13 billions dollars. Saudi Aramco Report for 2020 G. not yet available, therefore the comparison was performed on the data 2019 G.

It is interesting to compare the capitalization of foreign trillionaires with Russia's GDP. According to Rosstat, Russia's GDP for 2020 G. made up 106,6 trillion rub. In dollars at the rate of 31.12.2020 G. this 1,44 trillion dollars.

In the world list of trillionaires, our country would be in fifth place, narrowed down Google.

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