Romney picks Ryan

Mitt Romney has announced Paul Ryan as his vice-presidential running-mate, a bold and contentious choice that puts Wisconsin congressman’s controversial budget at the centre of the campaign. Mr Romney made the announcement in Norfolk, Virginia, at a naval base with a battleship as a backdrop at the start of a four-day bus tour through battleground states. He called the Romney-Ryan ticket “America’s Comeback Team.” (FT)

it's clear, that none of them have any fiscal plan, none of the others. but, while some are just heresy about the harm of outsourcing, other, seem to be, верят в то, что говорят. On the one side, it's bad because if Romney wins, that is, there is a high probability that, what in 2013 year, the US economy will be even worse, than in 2012. strange, but it looks like, that the scale of this degradation will depend more on China, по крайней мере в краткосрочном периоде.

но самое интересное, this is how the market will assess the effect of a possible Republican victory. ie. if it grows in polls, what the commentators will say (they say the market reacts so and so). just a great test for market understanding, what is a balance sheet recession :) to me, for some reason it seems, what if fiscal pressure increases, then FED придется действовать несмотря ни на какие политические междусобойчики. and it will blur the picture.

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