Robert T Kiosaki

Роберт Т Киосаки Robert T Kiosaki
(English. Robert Toru Kiyosaki/Yap., genus. 8 April 1947 of the year) - American entrepreneur, investor, writer and teacher. Known as the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad ", Cash Flow Quadrant, "Rich Dad's Guide to Investing", New York Times bestsellers, Business Week and the Wall Street Journal. Also created an educational board game "Cash Flow 101", whose purpose is to help people learn financial strategies. In partnership with Sharon L. Lecturer, who helped him write books, founded the Rich Dad`s Organization, dedicated to improving the financial literacy of people.

Robert Kiyosaki comes from a family of educators. His father was the Minister of Education for the State of Hawaii (USA). Kiyosaki is the fourth generation of Japanese, migrated to America. After high school, Robert was educated in New York. Upon graduation, he joined the US Marine Corps and went to serve in the US Navy in Vietnam as an officer and pilot of an attack helicopter..

Returning from the war, Kiyosaki went to work as a salesman at Xerox Corporation, and in 1977 year started his business career and launched a company, who was the first to sell nylon and surfer wallets, which have become a global product, dispersed all over the world and brought in multimillion-dollar income.

IN 1985 year Robert Kiyosaki left the business world and founded the international educational company "Rich Dad`s Organization", which has taught tens of thousands of students around the world in business and investment.

Retiring aged 47 years, Kiyosaki did not give up his love of investing. During this period, he wrote the bestseller Rich Dad, Poor Dad ". This was followed by the Cash Flow Quadrant and Rich Dad's Guide to Investing - all 3 Books were in the ranking 10 the best bestsellers of such publications, like the Wall Street Journal, Business Week and The New York Times.

Worried about the growing chasm between rich and poor, Robert Kiyosaki has created a unique business board game "Cashflow 101", money training, that is,, what was previously known only to the rich. This business game was created to educate people about financial strategies., which his Rich Dad taught him for years - the same financial strategies, which allowed him to retire a millionaire at the age of 47 years.

Robert Kiyosaki is currently involved in real estate and small business development., but his true love and passion is still devoted to teaching. Kiyosaki is given a place of honor among such people., as Og Mandino, Zig Ziegler and Anthony Robbins. Robert Kiyosaki's message to people sounds very clear: “Or do you manage your finances, or dancing to their tune all your life. You or the owner of the money, or a slave to money ".

Kiyosaki conducts classes, which last from 1 hours to 3 days, teaching people the secrets of the rich. He teaches people, how to invest with minimal risk, generating high income. He teaches people, how to teach them to their children, to make children rich. Kiyosaki teaches, how to start companies and sell them. All activities of Robert Kiyosaki are imbued with a keen desire to help people awaken a financial genius, in each, but more often dormant.

Here's what renowned writer Anthony Robbins has to say about Robert Kiyosaki's work: “The educational work of Robert Kiyosaki is powerful, wisdom and capable of changing human lives. I applaud his efforts and support him with both hands. ".

Kiyosaki, Kiosks, Kiasaki, Keosaki, or Kiyasaki?
Kiyosaki's transcription from English implies equally true as Kiyosaki, so and Kiyosaki. The use of the middle name Robert Toru Kiyosaki is optional, and can be shortened to Robert T Kiyosaki or removed altogether. Such common variants as "Keosaki", Kiasaki and Kiyasaki are wrong.

Books and manuals :

  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad
  • Cash Flow Quadrant
  • Rich Dad's Guide to Investing
  • 8 values ​​of network marketing, not related to money
  • Retire young and rich
  • Retire young and rich
  • School of Business
  • Rich Child, Smart child
  • Rich Dad's Prophecy
  • Rich Dad, Poor Daddy for Teens
  • Who took my money?
  • How to get rich, without giving up loans?
  • Before, how to start your business
  • Develop your financial IQ
  • Cashflow 101 game - Cashflow 101
  • Cashflow 202 game - Cashflow 202
  • Cashflow game for kids - Cashflow for Kids
  • Video seminar “Become rich for 60 minutes " (Getting Rich In 60 Minutes)
  • Video seminar "Apprentice" (Apprentice Challenge)
  • Video seminar "Perfect Business" (Perfect Business)

Featured quotes :

Working for an owner or a large company will never be the solution to money problems..
“The trouble is, that many people of your generation don’t contribute anything to retirement plans at all, many donate enough, and only a very few people realize how risky it is to keep money in mutual funds. A stock market crash will turn that money to dust. "
A choice must be made between freedom and security. Freedom takes courage and strength, and if a person does not have them, he loses freedom.
I wanted freedom from the tyrannical need to have a job and from the dictates of money, defining my lifestyle.
Until you start getting paid, you will invest, but you will not become an investor. To show Rich Dad, that I became an investor, i had to show him, that money began to flow to me and stopped flowing away.
People says: I am saving money for retirement. Rarely does anyone speak: i invest, to secure a pension.
Rich Dad used to say: give the fool money, and he will squander them.
Investing at all three levels is a full-time job, and there will be enough difficulties for you.
Maybe, have you noticed, that people often become financially laggards, ossified in their worldview and way of acting.
What your generation lacks, so is this financial education, necessary for financial security.
Investors know, how to reduce losses. They are not afraid to admit their mistakes.. They don't care about saving face, a about, how to save money. If the investment is unsuccessful, they chop the ends and take their feet.
The true investor has very little loyalty to his investment..
Many of those, who, after graduation, are looking for a reliable job in a large company, actually looking for a place, where to hide from the real world. Investing, such people are also looking for, where to hide from the real world. Such investors invest in mutual funds, Believing, that their manager is capable of killing bacteria in the real world.
Saving money is good advice for the poor and average person. This is bad advice for building wealth..
Financial intelligence comes from investing time in the real world. It cannot be the result of investing in mutual funds. Investing in your financial education won't pay off right away, but it will definitely pay off.
Many middle-class people think saving is smart, but for a rich man it is a financial brake.
One of the few things, demanded by both of my fathers - never to lose touch with people at all levels of society. Always remember, that every employee in your business is a living person. Your task as a leader is to do everything for his well-being.
Understanding the essence of your real financial statement, you will discover a world of real financial opportunities.
Fools turn money to trash. Alchemists vice versa, garbage is turned into money.
Your academic or professional success has little to do with financial success.. The most important words in business are cash flow.. Rich people are rich because, that control the cash flow, and poor people are poor because, that they don't know how to do it. Most financial problems are caused by a lack of personal control over cash flow.
How Can Employees Run Their Lives, if they were never taught how to manage their money and did not have the ability to control that, where do their savings for old age go? They have no control over their life in old age..
Our emotions are powerful. If not controlled, they become self-fulfilling prophecies.
If you want bad debt, the banker gives it to you right away. If you want a good debt, which will make you rich, the banker will ask you for a financial statement, To make sure, are you smart enough to manage good debt.
Start with small deals. Only education and experience make a person richer and richer.
Excuses make a man poor.
Money didn't make me rich, but investing time and investing money, when I had very little money.
Chuck used to measure his wealth by the number of trinkets., that they had. Now, before you buy a trinket, he buys an asset, who will pay for this trinket. After that, how its value was paid, the asset generates a cash flow for life.
In business, it is much more profitable to borrow money, how to save them.
Like the captain of his own ark, you are obliged to insure everything, what are you investing in.
The most valuable asset is time. Most people cannot use it correctly.. They work hard, making the rich richer, but don't make an effort, to make yourself rich.
Today I am rich precisely because of this, what i did in my spare time.
Tens of thousands of students have dropped out of business schools, where were they taught, what makes no sense to think.
You give your money into the wrong hands - and it will work for other people, before they start working for you.
If you don't know, what to do with your money, put them in the bank and don't tell anyone, that you have money to invest. If you don't know, what to do with your money, then there are millions of people, who know, what to do with them. On this occasion, everyone has their own opinion and ready-made advice regarding, how to manage your money.
The worst investment goes to impatient investors.
When you invest with hope, that something will happen in the future, you gamble.
When it comes to money, there are always many advisors, who have no souls and a broken penny.
The best financial information is not always available. We must go in search of her.
First of all, you need to look at the value, not on the price.
A professional investor needs to know 3 things: when to enter the market, when to leave the market and how to withdraw your money from the gambling table.
The professional gambler or professional investor ultimately seeks to gamble with other people's money.
Henry Ford once said: If you think, that you will succeed, so it will be so. If you think, that you won't succeed, - so it will happen. And in that, and in another case you are right.
Poor people and idlers use the word "impossible" in their speech much more often, than those, who is doing well. Rich dad actually started from scratch in his day., but he had a dream, plan for its achievement and vision of the future.
Impossible is blocking your potential, while the question “How can I do this?»Makes your brain work to its fullest.
The main mistake, that people do, is investing in assets, which are the most popular. Buying something, what everyone buys, you cannot succeed. You need to be able to find great investments, that other people miss.
Take care of your money, And they, in its turn, take care of you.
Money is not the main thing in the money game, and the game itself.
In today's understanding, risk is primarily inaction..
Refusing a deal is better than a bad deal.
Focus on that, What do you want, but not on that, what you need.
If you can't see yourself rich, you can never get it.
Those, who doesn't want to take responsibility for their financial life right now, a bleak existence in the future.
Life is a game of money and time.

  Nassim Nicholas Taleb / Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Rich Dad, Poor Dad "
Sharon Lecter, co-author of the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad "
«…And then one day my husband called me from his office: “I have a man, with whom, I think, you must meet " – he said. “His name is Robert Kiyosaki. He is a businessman and investor, he needs a patent for one educational product. I think, this is what, what have you been looking for ".

Exactly that, what I've been looking for.

My husband Mike was so impressed with the game Cash Flow – new educational product, created by Robert Kiyosaki, what agreed on, so that we both take part in the prototype test. Since it was an educational game, I also asked my 19 year old daughter, former freshman at a local university, would she like to take part in the test, and daughter agreed. The test was attended by 15 human, divided into three groups, Mike was right. It was that educational and educational product, which I was looking for so much. What was the game? She resembled a colored Monopoly, had the same board with a giant, a well-dressed rat in the middle. There were two tracks in the game: internal and external. The object of the game had to get out of the inner track – then, what Robert Kiyosaki called "the rat race" – and reach the outer track or "speed track". As Robert Envisioned, "Fast lane" portrayed that, how rich go and play in real life. Robert Kiyosaki explained to us, what is the "rat race".

“If you look at the life of the average educated, many working people, then you will see, that everyone goes the same road. A child is born, goes to school. Proud parents are happy, because their child is great to learn, has an undeniable chance of a good education, and he is accepted to college. After, maybe getting a degree, then acts like a programmed, looking for a guaranteed safe job or career. Working, having money, communicates with other people, finds a mate, then dates follow, and sometimes marriage. The life of the married is wonderful, since both work. There are two incomes. They feel like successful people., bright future awaits them, and they decide to buy a house, Car, television set, go on vacation, have children. The happy time is coming. The need for funds is growing. Happy couple decides, that their careers are vital, start to work harder, looking for promotions and raising income. Children are born and there is a need for a big house. People are working more and more, become good workers, are recognized. They are (again) are learning, to get more specialized knowledge and make more money. Maybe, take on a second job. Their incomes go up, but grow and taxes, which they pay, the amount of taxes for a new big house is growing, social security taxes and other taxes. People are surprised, they seem to be getting fine, and money, as they go into the sand. They buy some government bonds, goods to your credit card. And here to the children 5-6 years and the need to save on college grows, and in parallel the need to save money for old age. AND, thus, happy couple, which according to 35 years, now falls into the "rat race" trap for the rest of his working days. People work for the owner of their company, on government taxes, for payments to the bank on the mortgage, and then they advise their own children to study hard, get good knowledge, seek a safe job and career. People don't understand, what is money, but those are well aware of this, who lives by their naivety, and people work and work their whole life. The process is copied as follows, working generation. This is the "rat race". The only way to get out of the rat race – to acquire the ability to account for funds and investing ". As an experienced salesperson, who once worked for the Big 8, I was amazed, that Robert Kiyosaki has managed to make learning these two subjects fun and easy. The process was so well disguised, what we, while working hard on, how to get out of the "rat race", earned and studied at the same time.

  Richard Dennis / Richard Dennis

During the test, my daughter and I played until noon, talking about things, never talked about before. As an expert accountant, it was easy for me to play this game, where an income statement was required, balance. I had time to help my daughter and other players at the table with those principles, that they didn't understand. I was the first and only person in the entire test group, who managed to get out of the "rat race" that day. I did it for 50 minutes, although the game went on for almost 3 o'clock. There was a banker at my table, business owner and computer programmer. I was very amazed, how little these people knew about accounting and investing, subjects so important in their lives. I was curious, how did they handle their own financial affairs in real life. I could still understand, that my 19 year old daughter did not understand this, but those were great uncles, twice as old as daughter, at least. After that, how I got out of the rat race, for the next two hours I watched, how is my daughter and these educated, rich adults roll the dice and move the chips. Although I was glad, that everyone learned in the game, but I was also worried, how much adults did not know about the basics of simple accounting and investing. They had difficulties, establishing the link between the income statement and the balance sheet. They bought and sold all kinds of property, forgetting, that each trade could change their monthly cash flow. I thought: how many millions of people outside this room, in the real world, they are fighting on the financial front just because, that no one ever taught them this. They, what were at the table, have fun, eager to win. When the game is over, Kiyosaki gave us 15 minutes to discuss, criticize the game among the players. The business owner at my desk was not happy. He didn't like the game. "I don't need to know all this." – he said loudly – “I hire accountants, bankers and lawyers, so that they bring me up to date ". To which Robert Kiyosaki objected: “Have you ever noticed, that there are not so many rich accountants? And the bankers, lawyers, exchange Brokers, real estate brokers? They know a lot, and mostly smart people, but most of them are not rich. Because. in our schools they don't teach people that, what do the rich know, we use advice (Rich) these people. But one day you're driving down the road, stuck in traffic, trying to do something, look to the right and see your accountant there, stuck in the same road mess. You look to the left and you see your banker there. It says something?"The computer programmer was also not enthusiastic about the game: “I can buy the program, which will teach me this ". The banker also spoke out: “I studied like this, but never knew, how everything is done in real life. Now I know. I need to get out of the rat race ". But most of all the statements I was touched by what my daughter said: “I learned with pleasure, what does this game give, I learned a lot about, how money really works and how to invest ". And added: "Now I know, that I can choose a profession not for reasons of safety in life, benefits and earnings. If I learn to, what does this game teach, I am free to do and study that, what my heart wants, not depend on work skills, which are required for some kind of business. If I learn this, I will not need to worry about work, giving security in life, on social security and guarantees, what are most of my classmates doing today?…»

Robert Kiosaki, Rich Dad, Poor Dad "
«…One afternoon I taught investing with a board game, which he invented himself – Cash flow. The game was a teaching tool. A friend of mine brought his friend to class. Woman recently divorced, I was very worried about the divorce and was now looking for answers to some questions. My friend believed, that classes will help this woman in some way.

The game was meant to be, to help people understand, how money works, people recognized, how income position interacts with balance sheet. People learned to understand, how money circulates between income and balance. People learned to understand, that the road to wealth lies through the desire to increase the monthly cash flow from the column "asset", and this cash flow would have to exceed monthly expenses. When the cash flow from the "asset" column grows monthly so much, which clearly exceeds the costs, a person can get out of the "rat race" and go to the "high-speed track".

Like I said, some people hate the game, love others, third parties miss the point of the game. The woman who came by missed a good opportunity to learn something.. At the beginning of the game, she drew a card with a picture of a boat.. At first I was delighted:

"O, I have a boat ". Then the same, when her friend (what brought her) tried to explain, like numbers (sums) worked for her position with income and balance, woman upset, because I never liked math. They, who played at the same table with a woman, were waiting, while her friend continued to explain to her the relationship between income status (ie. at profit and loss), balance sheet and monthly cash flow. Suddenly, when the woman realized, how the numbers worked (sums), it dawned on her, that her boat was eating her alive. Later in the game, she was "cut" and she had a child. The game was terrible for her.

After classes, her friend came up to me and said, that the woman was upset. She came to class, to learn how to invest, and she didn't like that at all, that it took so long to play this stupid game.

Her friend tried to tell her – pier, take a closer look at yourself, maybe the game only "reflects" you one way or another, then, What's going on with you. After these words, from the mouth of a friend, the woman demanded to return her money. She stated, what the thought itself, like a game, could be her own reflection, seemed ridiculous to her. The money was returned to her, and the woman left.

With 1984 G. i make millions, just doing that, what the school system does not. At school, most teachers give lectures.. I hated lectures, being a student – listening to them, I was bored and unable to concentrate.

IN 1984 G. I started teaching people through games. I have always taught grown-up students, so that they perceive the games, like mirrors, reflecting the real knowledge of people at the moment and then, what they needed to know. It is important to note that, that my games reflect human behavior. Games were and are a real feedback system. Игра, at all, this is not a teacher, lecturer, this is personal feedback, working only for you.

Friend of that woman, that she left dissatisfied, later called me back. He said, that the woman calmed down, but while it cooled down from indignation, could see some connection between the game and my life. Although she and her husband did not own the boat, they owned many more. The woman was angry after the divorce and because of, that my husband ran away with a young lady, and because of the fact that, what follows 20 years of marriage, they had a minor asset. They really had nothing to share. 20 years of marriage were incredibly pleasant, but the asset remained much to be desired.

The woman understood, that her anger at math class, regarding the state of income and balance, stemmed from that, that she was embarrassed not to understand these economic concepts. She believed that, what finance – male prerogative. She kept the house in order, threw parties, and my husband was in charge of finances. Now she was completely sure that, what for the last 5 years of marriage, hubby hid a lot of money from her. The woman was angry with herself for, that she did not control the spending of money in the family, and did not know about the love affairs of her husband.

  Bollinger Bands - John Bollinger / John Bollinger

Like a board game, our world always provides us with regular feedback. They, who tunes in to a serious mood in life, have the opportunity to learn more about the world. One day, most recently, I complained to my wife about that, that because of these her washing powders, my pants began to wrinkle, the matter began to shrink, and she smiled tenderly and poked me in the stomach, making it clear, that the trousers were all right, it's just that my belly has grown.

The Cashflow game is designed to, to give each player personalized feedback. Her goal – give a person a sense of choice. If a person, player, draws a card with a drawn boat, and the boat turns into debt, the question arises: "Well., and what can you do now?»What is the most reasonable thing to do in this situation? The aim of the game is, to teach players to think, find a way out of any situation.

I have seen, how this game was played by thousands of people. They, who got out of the "rat race" faster than others, were people, who understood, what is behind the numbers, and had a creative financial mind. These people recognized the possibility of multiple financial actions.. The same, who played Cashflow for the longest time, were people, who did not understand the numbers, unaware of the power of investing. Wealthy people are creative and always take risks prudently., Consciously.

I've met such people, who played Cashflow, who in the game could have got a lot of money and did not know, what to do with them. Most of these people were not financially successful in real life.. In the game, even those, who didn't collect a lot of money. There she is, life truth – there are many people, having a lot of money in real life, but not achieving tangible financial success. Limit your choices – it is the same, what to get attached to old ideas. I have a friend, since school, who works three jobs today. 20 years ago he was the richest among all my classmates. When the local sugar plantation closed, company, for which my friend worked, closed with the plantation. My friend decided, that in such a situation he has only one choice – work harder. But he couldn't find an equal job, couldn't find work, where his experience would serve him well. As a result, he had to retrain to 3 current work, and his salary became less. This is how my friend works at 3 jobs, to earn enough to feed.

I was watching people, and I am watching, who play Cashflow and complain, what cards, good opportunities, don't come to them. So they have to sit, doing nothing. I know people like that in real life.. They are sitting, and you can sit and wait all your life. This, quasi, sit in the car and wait, when on 5 miles ahead, the traffic lights turn green, before starting to move…»

Cash Flow Quadrant

Robert Kiosaki, Cash Flow Quadrant
«…Work–>Passive–>Expenses. This pattern of cash flow is considered "normal" in our society. Finally, people, who chose this sample, probably, have good high-paying jobs, chic houses, cars and credit cards. It `s that, what my rich dad called the "working class dream". Here, for example, when I start the Cash Flow educational board game with adults, they usually mentally protest. Why? As they begin to study financial literacy, which includes an understanding of numbers and the language of money. The game takes several hours not because, that the game is long, and therefore, that players are learning a whole new topic. It's like learning a foreign language. But there is good news too. This new science can be learned quickly, and then the game picks up speed. The game is gaining momentum because, what players know more, and the more they play this game, the smarter, become more experienced and stronger. And here's what else happens to them: as they are now becoming financially literate, many are beginning to understand, having personal financial troubles, even if the rest of society thinks, that they are "financially secure". You see, choosing a sample of the cash flow of the middle class was considered normal in the industrial age, but it could be a disaster in the information age.

Many people, once perfectly understanding and studying the game, start looking for new answers.

This is the beginning of improving their personal financial health as well., like a first heart attack - a health warning.

Realizing this, a lot of people start to think, how rich, not as hardworking middle class. After playing Cashflow games several times, some people start to change their way of thinking, and they start looking for a cash flow pattern, which looks like this: asset —> income…»

«…A few months ago, I worked with a banker on, to change the path of his financial struggle. I have had my own experience of healing my financial habits, vaccinated by my family. This banker does more, how $120.000 in year, but always has some financial trouble. He has a good family, three cars, big house, holiday home, and he looks like a very successful banker. When I looked at his financial statement, I found, that he was in a financial crisis, which would last for several years, if he hadn't changed his cash flow path. First, when he and his wife played Cashflow, he tried his best and was terribly worried. His thoughts worked intensely and he could not leave the game.. After four hours of playing, he was still on the rat race.. Even, when the others finished the game, he continued the "rat race". His only answer was words: “The game is too hard, too slow, too boring ".

I then reminded him of, what did you say before the start of the game: “All these games depend on, how does a person play ". In other words, the game is like a mirror, which allows you to look at yourself. My words angered him, so i asked, has he changed his mind to tidy up his financial life. He said, what is going to do it, so I invited him with my wife, who liked the game, play again with a group of investors, in which I was the arbiter. They came a week later. This time he had some ideas.. It was easy for him to count everything. He was, naturally, neat and careful with numbers, which is very important. But now he was beginning to understand the world of business and investing better.. He could, finally, To "see with mind" the ways of his own life, and then, what caused his financial struggle. He still hasn't finished the game in four hours., but he was starting to learn. And when I was leaving, this time, I wanted to return myself…»

«…People often ask me, how to start thinking like a rich man. I always recommend starting small steps and continuing education., It is better, than in a rush to buy a mutual fund or other property. When people are serious about learning and retraining in order to learn to think like a rich person, i recommend my board game Cash Flow. I created a game, to help people improve their financial intelligence. She gives people mental, physical and emotional education, Required, to allow them to gradually stop thinking, as poor or middle class, and teach the thinking of a rich man. People think about, what my rich dad called important… And this is not a big salary, and not a big house…»

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