Richard Dawkins and the middle world

оно же, but with Russian translation

behavioral economics (and other behavioral) usually investigates errors of perception, which people default. also usually, we focus on these mistakes as something radically negative.

for example, in the room you and two others. the task is to look at the picture that all three see and name the color aloud. you answer third, and the first two people are actually & quot; agents" experiment authors. when the screen is green, and two people are talking, what's yellow, then you start to doubt.

if both of them are wearing thick glasses, then you no longer doubt yourself so much. but you still doubt. looks like a market, extremely similar, By the way.

interesting then, that errors of this kind do not exist as defects. this device allows you to choose the safest and most rational (not always) when weighed on the likelihood of behavior.

just do something, speaking about something else, but I rather have such associations.
still listened to the behavior recently, apparently.

  Another warning on Stockportal :)
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